Performance-Enhancing Drugs: Are they worth the risk? 8.ATOD.2.2 Evaluate the magnitude and likelihood of the risks associated with the use of performance-enhancing drugs.
What are Performance-Enhancing Drugs? Natural Steroids Synthetic Steroids Synthetic Steroids can come in the form of: pills, gels, creams, or injections. Natural Steroids: steroids are produced in our bodies to help support functions like fighting stress and promoting growth and development. Synthetic Steroids: are used to increase the growth of muscles at a rapid rate and or to improve the ability to perform (ex: Barry Bonds and being able to hit more homeruns in a season).
Why would people use them? boost athletic performance ward off fatigue enhance physical appearance. increase muscle mass and energy. But they can cause serious harm. Click on the picture of Bonds to read an article using as much science as possible to make an educated guess of # of homeruns a year with steroids vs. without.
Performance-Enhancing drugs Anabolic Steroids Andro Creatine Human Growth Hormone
Anabolic Steroids Delivery Method Variations Most Powerful Androgen Mixed Signals and Teens 1. Delivery method: shots, gels, pills 2. 100 variations of anabolic steroids and they all mimic the androgen testosterone (the male-type sex hormone). 3.Testosterone is the most powerful form of anabolic steroid 4. Anabolic steroids can tell the bones to stop growing making them ever more dangerous for teens
DHEA (Andro): aka Steroidal Supplements Increases muscle mass, energy, and strength Weaker form of androgen Added to banned drug list DHEA is the only steroidal supplement available OTC Banned means it cannot be used in sports with drug policies: Olympics, track, NFL, NHL, MLB, NCAA, NCHSAA
Steroids: Side Effects Premature balding Dizziness Mood swings Depression Insomnia Trembling Aching joints Urinary issues HIV risk High blood pressure Vomiting Increase for Heart disease Cancer injury Specific to Women: Increased facial hair Development of masculine traits, such as deepening of the voice, shrinking of the breasts Enlargement of the clitoris Changes in the menstrual cycle.
Side Effects of Andro Acne Deepening of the voice Male-pattern baldness Growth stunted Acne Diminished sperm production Shrinking of the testicles Enlargement of the breasts Stunted growth
Creatine Produced naturally by the liver Also an over-the-counter supplement Food sources Best for sports with bursts of high-intensity activity Increases the ability to maintain a workload It is also an amino acid 3. Can be found in lean meats 4. Such as power lifting, wrestling, sprinting, and football.
Side Effects of Creatine Stomach pain Nausea Dehydration Diarrhea Muscle cramps High blood pressure Kidney & liver issues Heart problems
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Produced by the pituitary gland in the brain Fuels growth in childhood Helps maintain tissues and organs throughout life
Side Effects of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Carpal tunnel syndrome Swelling in arms and legs Joint pain, arthritis Enlargement of breast tissue in men Diabetes Heart disease Headaches, loss of vision High blood pressure Tumors
Is it worth the RISK? Marion Jones lost all of her Track and Field Olympic Medals after failing a drug test and eventually ended up serving jail time for fraud… before you juice, are you willing to pay for your success no matter what the consequence and humiliation?