5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 1
Observe- Use of all five senses to collect information Investigation- A procedure carried out to carefully observe, study or test something in order to learn more about it. Science- The study of the natural world, involves making observations and performing investigations Observe- Use of all five senses to collect information Compare- Finding ways objects are similar and different What are some types of Evidence? How can you prove your findings? (talk about photographic evidence) Evidence- Information collected during a scientific investigation
Inference- An idea or a conclusion based on an observation Opinion- A belief or judgment. It doesn’t have to be proven or backed up with evidence. Communicate- Ways to share the results of investigations Order- To place objects or events in the correct sequence Observe and observation Inference and Infer Communication is key!! Classify- Organize objects or events into groups based on specific characteristics Knowledge- Facts and information collected over time
Lesson 2 Weather Reporting
Day Origami Prediction Weather Prediction Actual Weather Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
5th Grade Unit 1 Lesson 3 What are some types of investigations?
Scientific methods: the ways scientists perform investigations experiment: an investigation in which all conditions are controlled Prediction: a statement based on information about a future event
When do Scientists use Repeated Observations? Too FAR AWAY, When something is too BIG! Or too UNCONTROLLED
When do Scientists use models? Too FAR AWAY, When something is too BIG! Or too UNCONTROLLED
Computer simulation models Diagrams and flow charts Model: a representation of an object or process that allows scientists to study in greater detail Types of Models Physical models Computer simulation models Diagrams and flow charts
When do Scientist use models: When something is too LARGE, or too complex. too small
Control: the set up to which you will compare all the others Hypothesis: a statement that can be tested and will explain what can happen in an investigation Variable: any condition in an experiment that can be changed Control: the set up to which you will compare all the others Controlled Variable: any condition in an experiment that can be controlled
7 Steps in Controlled Experiments Ask Questions Hypothesize Design and Experiment Carry out the procedure Record and Analyze Data Evaluate the hypothesis Draw Conclusions
Data Displays: Line Graphs: shows change over time Bar Graphs: compares things or groups Circle Graphs: compares parts to the whole Diagrams: shows data that does not include numbers
Science 5 Unit 1 Lesson 5 What are Some Science Tool?
Microscopic- anything too small to see with your eyes Accurate- when a measurement is close to the true size Spring scale- tool used to measure force Newton- a unit used to measure force (N)
Mass- measures grams, milligrams, kilograms, etc. Pan Balance- tool used to measure mass gram- a metric unit of mass
second- a metric unit of time Degrees Celsius- a metric unit for temperature Meter- a metric unit of length
Graduated Cylinder- A tool used to measure volume Volume- amount of space a solid, liquid, or gas takes up Graduated Cylinder- A tool used to measure volume liter- a metric unit of volume
Beaker and graduated cylinder Collecting net dropper computer camera Ruler and meter stick Other tools microscope Hand lens Spring scale Science Tools Tools for observing Tools for measuring balance binoculars thermometer telescope Beaker and graduated cylinder stopwatch
Observation: Use of all five senses to collect information Investigation: A procedure carried out to carefully observe, study or test something in order to learn more about it. Hypothesis: a statement that can be tested and will explain what can happen in an investigation Controlled variable: any condition in an experiment that can be changed while still remaining under control
Collecting data: collecting, observing, locating or acquiring of information Accuracy: when a measurement is close to the true size Mass: measures grams, milligrams, kilograms, etc. Volume: amount of space a solid, liquid , or gas takes up graduated cylinder, 2. beaker, 3. flask
7 steps in Scientific Method (controlled experiments) Ask Questions Which scientific measurement would you use to measure the length your hand? Centimeters (cm) What might you use a collecting net for in science? Collecting butterflies for observations, or small organism in a body of water. 7 steps in Scientific Method (controlled experiments) Ask Questions Hypothesize Design and Experiment Carry out the procedure Record and Analyze Data Evaluate the hypothesis Draw Conclusions
Why would a scientist build a model Why would a scientist build a model? A scientist might build a model when they cannot use the real thing. When would a scientists use repeated observations? A scientist might use repeated observations with when something is too big, too far away or to uncontrolled for experiments What is one thing all scientists do to learn? Experiment
* What are four tools used for observing? Collecting net hand lens Binoculars telescope *What are six tools used for measuring? Meter stick spring scale balance thermometer Stop watch beaker/ graduated cylinder
Why is communication so important among scientist *Why is communication so important among scientist? Scientist communicate in order to learn from each other *Why do scientists conduct investigations? Scientist conduct investigations to -obtain evidence, -Test ideas -Collect information -To check their explanation Study, study, study!