Lesson 4 Cold War Fears at Home Postwar America (1945-1960) Lesson 4 Cold War Fears at Home
Lesson 4 Cold War Fears at Home Postwar America (1945-1960) Lesson 4 Cold War Fears at Home Learning Objectives Describe the efforts of President Truman and the House Un-American Activities Committee to fight communism at home. Explain how domestic spy cases intensified fears of communist influence in the U.S. government. Analyze the rise and fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy and the methods of McCarthyism. Red Scare Smith Act House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Hollywood Ten blacklist Alger Hiss Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Venona Papers Joseph R. McCarthy McCarthyism
Brain Starter What if the government told you there were spies in Brunswick that were trying to help terrorists, what would you do? What should our country’s leaders be more focused on protecting – security of the nation or freedom of the nation’s people? Should this change? Should it remain the same? Why?
Question Summarize the story The Crucible Define McCarthyism How is the drama The Crucible an allegory for McCarthyism?
Cold War Tensions Rise at Home RED SCARE – 2nd Red Scare Fear of the spread of communism Popular Culture reflected Democracy v. Communism Korean War, China “Lost”, Space Race, Atomic Bombs East v. West Loyalty Review Program Government Screening Program Screen Federal Employees for signs of disloyalty 14,000 received intensive scrutiny 2,000 quit their jobs 212 fired for “questionable Loyalty” No Evidence was acquired against them HOW TO RECOGNIZE A COMMUNIST TED Talk McCarthyism
2nd Red Scare The House Un-American Activities Committee Smith Act Law made it unlawful to teach or advocate the overthrow of the US Government. The House Un-American Activities Committee Called people in front of congress Accused people of being communists. Had to prove you weren’t a communist. Propaganda in films Thought pro soviet messages were in the films Walt Disney/Ronald Reagan Hollywood Ten Did not testify, unconstitutional Arrested for 1 year
HUAC & the Hollywood Ten They did not cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee's investigation, They refused to admit to being in the Communist Party They wouldn’t provide any names of others who might be Communists Punished! The ten were fined and sentenced to a year in jail. They were also blacklisted from working in the film industry in Hollywood, until the 1960's when the ban was lifted.
Cold War Tensions Rise at Home Prefabricated underground bomb shelters like the one shown here grew in popularity as Americans became increasingly fearful of a nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union.
Spy Cases Stun the Nation Fear of Communism lead to Spy Cases Alger Hiss former Communist spy named Whittaker Chambers accused Alger Hiss of spying for the S.U. Government official Accused of supporting communism Denied the charges Hiss was charged with lying under oath and served years in prison Klaus Fuchs German born scientist, Manhattan project Gave secrets to Soviet Union Rosenberg's Ethel and Julius Rosenberg Accused of giving atomic secrets to soviets Refused to answer questions Sentenced to death Electric Chair In 1997, the Soviets released info verifying that Julies was a spy, but their was no proof that he turned over info related to the bomb
McCarthy Launches His “Witch Hunt” Joseph McCarthy US Senator Running for re-election Played American’s fear to gain reelection False accusations McCarthy’s Tactics McCarthyism Anti-Communist accusations Unfounded accusations Claimed list of hundreds that had USSR ties that worked in the State Department False Claims Movement is going to fade Too many false claims/destroyed people’s character
Analyze Charts The major events of both Alger Hiss’s case and the Rosenberg case are listed in this chart. Why do you think the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death after their trial?
Nuclear Fears
Federal Civil Defense Administration The Truman administration created the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) to help educate and prepare the public for nuclear emergencies Citizens ready to handle a crisis “back yard may be the next front line”