Morningstar Remote Station Allan Saul ZS1LS Unlocking amateuR radio technology
What does the remote station consist of : A Radio Transceiver with antennas at a remote location hopefully with a low RF noise environment and lots of space for antennas. A PC running the “remotehams” server software under Windows. Transceiver connected to PC via a Sound Card for audio transfer, with CAT control for bands / frequencies and with PTT transmission control via serial ports. The PC system must be connected to the internet. Adequate AC/DC power supply. A means to connect to the PC remotely (for administration only) (TeamViewer is the most suitable). Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
What does the local station consist of : A PC running the “remotehams” client software under Windows. A headset consisting of headphones and microphone connected to the Sound Card of the PC - USB types are easiest to use. The PC must be connected to the internet with reasonable speed. Optionally a serial port to be used for keying the transmitter (mouse click and keyboard space bar as alternate). Optionally there is an Android App for your Smartphone that can also be used. Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
Lets look at the actual remote hardware Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
Lets look at the remote server software Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
Registering on the “remotehams” site Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
Downloading the Client software Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
RCForb Client by Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
RCforb PC Client Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
Optional Hand/Foot Switch Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology
Summary / Questions ? All the elements probably already exist in most Amateur Radio stations today (Transceiver, PC and Internet access) to turn it into a remote station for when you are away. Most modern Transceivers like the Icom IC-7300 already have built in USB Soundcard and PTT control. The Server software can be set up to operate in “Private Mode”. Any questions feel free to contact me. email : Unlocking Amateur Radio Technology