South River Greenway A natural jewel in the heart of Anne Arundel County
Project Goals 1. Permanently Protect Land (Natural and Rural) 1. Permanently Protect Land (Natural and Rural) 2. Restore Habitat (Streams, Forests, Wetlands, 2. Restore Habitat (Streams, Forests, Wetlands, Meadow, Backyard) Meadow, Backyard) 3. Engage Citizens 3. Engage Citizens 4. Inventory and Assess Natural Resources 4. Inventory and Assess Natural Resources 5. Create a Central Natural Area Park 5. Create a Central Natural Area Park
Natural Resources: Forests, Wetlands, Streams
Stream Headcut Degraded Stream
Streams: Buffer to South River and Chesapeake Bay
Natural Resources: Fish and Wildlife
Important Bird Area Designation - January 2008
Species at Risk Prairie Warbler Louisiana Waterthrush Kentucky Warbler Wood Thrush Worm-eating Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler Ovenbird Black and White Warbler Pileated Woodpecker Parula Warbler Scarlet Tanager
Habitat/Land Protection
Stream Restoration Opportunities Stream Headcut Incised Channel Grade Control
Stabilize Gullies Gulley Stabilization
Restoration Opportunities
Fish passage at Rutland Road
Stronger storm water regulations and better enforcement of regulations
Power line ROW
Meadow Restoration
Public Use/Access
Success is Possible! Strong and Growing Partnership Extensive RA Zoning 1,600 Acres of Public Land 1,400 Acres of County/City Parks 700 Acres of HOA Set Aside Land 400 Acres BGE ROW Steep Slopes and Wetlands
Partners Anne Arundel County Biophilia Foundation City of Annapolis Environmental Finance Center Maryland Alliance for Greenway Improvement and Conservation Maryland/DC Audubon Maryland Department of Natural Resources Maryland Environmental Trust Mid Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Private Landowners Scenic Rivers Land Trust South River Federation Trust for Public Land U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The End