Dietetic Health Promotion Team Ayrshire & Arran Elaine Jocelyn Dietetic Health Promotion Team Lead February 2019
Ayrshire & Arran Covers from Skelmorlie to Ballantrae and includes Arran and Cumbrae Rural and urban mix Population: Approx 370,400 Three Local authorities and three HSCPs Life Expectancy in Ayrshire increasing close to Scottish average but discrepancies between areas North Ayrshire has 28.3% children living in poverty (second highest in Scotland)
Our Team Full staffing 5.6 wte with mostly Ayrshire wide remit. Skill Mix - 0.8 Band 7 1.1 Band 6 3.0 Band 4 0.7 Band 3 0.6 B6 and 0.2 B4 funded from ICF East Ayrshire to support prevention/early intervention Based in East Ayrshire but with Ayrshire wide remit One of a few boards in scotland to have a team like ours Team been in existence for many years under different guises Highlight Gillians role within East for older people Expand a wee bit on skill mix, DAP and introduction of support worker to the team This is full staffing levels, but been at less than this due to vacancies. Despite this and running with significantly reduced capacity we trained 487 staff last year with a potential reach of 8160. We also had contact with over 700 members of the public last year
Purpose and Aims Our key themes are: Improving Maternal & Infant Nutrition Tackling Food Poverty Improving Nutrition of older people within East Ayrshire Aims Build capacity with key partners to enable them to deliver evidence based and up to date nutritional messages. Improving knowledge and understanding of eating well for better health within population groups. Provide evidence based resources in a variety of formats and across settings to support delivery of nutrition improving activities. Translate and implement current nutrition policy and guidance into practice to enable healthier food choices at a community level.
Improving knowledge and understanding of eating well for better health within population groups Maternal Health: Healthy Bump Healthy Baby Early Years: Messy Munchers Weaning Sessions Eat Well Workshops for health and social care staff Links with campaigns: Nutrition & Hydration Week March 2018 – “Eating Well in Later Life” Maternal health – MDt approach, targets women BMI> 30, focuses on raising awareness of risks, increasing activity and raising awareness of EWG and hidden fats and sugars. One off workshop ran fortnightly from maternity. Messy Munchers – next point of intervention on timesscale is promoting healthy weaning. Drop in session around Ayrshire piloted and since roll out in 2016 more than 1200 attendances Eatwell – linked to AiLip and Health Promoting Health Service now part of Better health, raising awareness of eating Well for staffs own benefit and also the patient group they work with. Hydration Campaign- East Ayrshire and links to older people work Engaged with 150 older people attending Vibrant Communities invigorate classes. Distribution of leaflets throughout Ayrshire & Arran GP surgeries. Media release in local press, and Vibrant Communities newsletter and NHS Ayrshire & Arran media pages.
Building capacity is a key focus to our training with other services and agencies, enabling them to deliver consistent messages around food, diet and health. Taken from annual report 2017/18 Bear in mind that this activity relates to a time when we had significantly reduced capacity within the team. From the pie chart you can see the range of training we deliver, from early years to those working with older people. The potential reach is something we ask at the end of training and is a guesstimate so gives us an indication of what could happen. Challenge for us is to evidence the impact of training on practice. Also moving forward, our other challenge is to continue with this but also to give ongoing support to services and agencies. During 2017/18 our team trained staff/volunteers: 49 sessions delivered 487 trained with 8,160 potential reach 81 organisations engaged
Building capacity with partners........ Maternal Health: Supporting midwifery assistants to deliver education sessions with women being screened for GTT Early Years: Regular workshops on weaning Suite of training available to implement Setting the Table for practitioners, facilities staff as well as family support and third sector Schools: Input with primary teacher training to support Health & Well Being Outcomes and CfE Older People: Eat well for older people workshops - raising awareness of key nutritional issues
Building capacity with partners........... Training: C.A.N Toolkit and Cooking Group Facilitation Skills Third sector partners Trained Centrestage chefs to enable them to incorporate health messages into their programme. Partnership with CVOE to develop and roll out the Canny Cooker. In the pipeline REHIS Food Hygiene training Partnering with HMP Kilmarnock staff to enable them to implement nutritional screening. Intergenerational work with a local care home and early years centre. Holiday Food Provision in Girvan This slide focuses on community and supports some of our food poverty work. Centrestage is a large third sector organisation in North and East. Lots of work incommunities around food insecurity. One aspect of their work we a programme called eat and train which is a 12 week programme ran by their chefs. We have used creative imaginative learning techniques to help train theirr chefs to incorporate eatwell messages into their programme. Ongoing. Wednesday Waffle is another example of supporting volunteers to incorporate food and cooking into a regular group. Ongoing. CVO – Community Volunteer Organisation Third Sector Interface. Our team has worked closely over the years with them to take forward the Canny Cooker which is based on heat retention cookery and started with funding from CFHS as a start up for a social enterprise. Links with third sector to not only use the resource but also to make them. Now developing across Ayrshire.
Provide evidence based resources in a variety of formats and across settings to support delivery of nutrition improving activities. Suite of leaflets, activities & resources regularly reviewed and updated for all stages of life e.g Portions for 1-4 yrs, Eating Well (older people) Recipes and supporting activities for those supporting people in financial hardship (C.A.N. Toolkit) Leaflets, games, pull ups to support schools Equipment loan to support skills work in the community For notes Resources produced and distributed through HIRS – snapshot of some of these Highlight not just leaflets, but also loan of cooking equipment, educational activities We are responsible for advising, reviewing and updating diet section in Hirs
Translate and implement current nutrition policy and guidance into practice to enable healthier food choices at a community level Includes supporting partners to implement early years nutrition guidelines e.g. Setting the Table. Working in partnership with local authority and third sector to contribute to Fair For All (North Ayrshire)
Contact Us Team Older People Gillian Haughey Team Lead Elaine Jocelyn