Local Government Perspective on Hilltops2Oceans (H2O) Greg Bruce Manager Environmental Management Services Townsville City Council
Local Government Perspective on Hilltops2Oceans Key Elements Local Government & Community healthy waterway partnerships & projects in conjunction with major engineering water assets. Infrastructure based approach (Citiworks & Citiwater)Infrastructure based approach Community involvement & acknowledgement The challenges and opportunities Roles and activities of Local Government which affect change Promoting total water cycle management principles and whole of catchment management and sustainability. ICZM as local action: an The evolution of Creek to Coral which links the land and sea in our area for the first time.
Local Government Context Geographically speaking Dry Season Dry Season Satellite image Wet Season Wet Season Satellite image Louisa Ck. Louisa Ck. Catchment flyover
Background to integrated frameworks Council has been involved extensively in developing partnerships and alliances as a significant part of its policy, programs, and operations. Sometimes with success, sometimes not… This has involved challenges and demonstrated clear opportunities for integrated coastal zone management includingwhole of catchment management and; Finally achieving the linking of land and sea via the Healthy Waterways program of Creek to Coral. The Coral being indicative of the fringing coral reefs off Townsville and around Magnetic Island…
Background to integrated frameworks (continued) Working with community groups in extensive catchment management initiatives. Support landcare groups across the twin cities of Townsville-Thuringowa and even further afield in association with the Burdekin Shire River Improvement Trust. Support for on-ground wetland protection, management and promotion with private property owners. (Serpentine Lagoon - wetland of national significance), state government (Town Common and Louisa Creek).Serpentine Lagoon The model – Sustainability Planning Framework for Townsville City demonstrates the internal and external relationships appropriate to the integration of water management (Sustainable Townsville program).Sustainability Planning Framework for Townsville CitySustainable Townsville program
Background to integrated frameworks (continued) Environment officers have been working with Councils water management and drainage engineering business units; Leading edge of environmental care & management; Transforming cultures in both environment and engineering fields to: –reflect the natural water cycle, –develop understanding of each others socio-economic and business needs, (especially cost effective maintenance and access to waterways) –integrate management process via stormwater/drainage/water management plans (eg: USQMP) and projects (NHT Clean Seas/USI) Including complimentary development of significant partnerships with: – Conservation Volunteers Australia for delivering community waterway education and; – local Landcare groups for revegetation and riparian management.
TCC projects which demonstrate an integrated approach Designed and implemented concrete solutions (bioengineered GPTs and wetland treatment trains at Louisa Creek NHT Clean Seas Project & USI CBD Urban Waterway Project = A$2M investment)implemented concrete solutions Developing a Urban Stormwater Quality Management Plan (USQMP)USQMP Obtaining integrated Drainage and Waterway Permits/Licenses Community waterway management education processwaterway management education Creek To Coral Our waterways, our responsibility Creek To Coral Carbon Neutral Water Recycling Project Local Government & Community Healthy Waterway Partnerships, Alliances and Projects
Projects which demonstrate an integrated infrastructure based: community approach 5 Day soil erosion and sediment control course for the Tropics International Erosion Control Association (IECA) endorsed.5 Day soil erosion Haughton River rural catchment management (ICM) Landcare & Catchment Centre (Dry Tropics Landcare Inc.)Landcare & Catchment Centre Supporting regional community NRM plan (NaREF)NaREF Cleveland Bay Consortium (water quality studies in bay) Townsville Healthy Cities Plan (Environmental Health Officers)Townsville Healthy Cities Plan Burdekin Dry Tropics Local Government Network (BDTLGN)BDTLGN Regional Natural Assets Database (with Townsville Enterprise)Regional Natural Assets Database Townsville State of Environment Report – web based & dynamic
Challenges in Institutionalising ICZM (Land and Sea) locally with community Challenges in Institutionalising ICZM (Land and Sea) locally with community link to table page link to table page What looking after our waterways means and the types of agreements and partnerships which assist and dont. Historically and contemporarily very little quantitative information available. Catchment variability across the landscape and geography of Australia Surveys and focus groups have shown that people in Townsville are concerned about the environment.people in Townsville are concerned –This does not translate into what actions they either need to take or are responsible for. Kakadu syndrome
Challenges in Institutionalising ICZM (Land and Sea) locally with community (continued) Challenges in Institutionalising ICZM (Land and Sea) locally with community (continued) link to table page link to table page Extra financial and social impost on the Council and how it manages its urban environments (especially retrofitting but also greenfields developments). Developing community interest in environmental management and finding ways for them to be involved and participate is local challenge. Central driver behind the case of establishing Creekwatch. Always dependent on the financial and human resources available to complete the task Which leads to an innovative approach of seeking partners and developing appropriate levels of integration Spending too much time on ideals and principles – the way it should be, get it going, small steps and then work on refining the structure if required.
Challenges in Institutionalising ICZM (Land and Sea) locally with community (continued) Challenges in Institutionalising ICZM (Land and Sea) locally with community (continued) link to table page link to table page Look for champions, or find where the capacity occurs or might occur and then seek to invest in that direction. Developing trust, respect and the ability to provide written agreements which encapsulate expectations, liaison process, resources, and reporting. The best efforts and capability of the representatives themselves Recognising that it is all a process and that different things happen at varying speeds and at different times. To act when the opportunity presents, and working with the up front get on boarders Councils responsibilities have been increasing in environmental management and protection
Case Study: Creek to Coralour waterways, our responsibility Creek to CoralCreek to Coral Business Plan Vision Objectives Framework Partners Communication Network Working groups Success Factors Combined Townsville, Thuringowa and State Government Initiative to Maintain and Enhance our Healthy Waterways in the Coastal Dry Tropics Launched on the 12 th December, 2003 by the Qld Minister for Environment & the Mayors of Townsville and Thuringowa City Councils
To achieve, sustain and promote the benefits of a clean, fresh and marine water ecosystem and to encourage, educate and involve community in integrated catchment management. Emphasis is placed on information exchange linking objectives resulting in increased quality of water in the Townsville Thuringowa Coastal Dry Tropics region. Infrastructure based Community focused Adaptive management framework Integrated network (community, industry, science, government) Local ownership Environmentally sustainable Draft Business Plan Draft Business Plan Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer
Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan CRC Catchment to Reef Program CSIRO Healthy Country Flagship Program Coastal Catchments Initiative Urban Stormwater Quality Management Plans (USQMP) Ross River Waterway Management System Regional Burdekin Dry Tropics Accredited NRM Plan City Plans (TCC & CoT) Environmental Management Plans Lots of individual catchment management initiatives Todays situation: supporting Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer
Community Perceptions Twin cities waterways are valued and the perception is they are fairly clean but need improving People think of the waterways as compartments (i.e. Ross River, The Strand), not as an integrated catchment system They can relate to the Creek to Coral concept and like it Litter and Rubbish are the main problems Waterway Management is the responsibility of everyone Our Waterways – Our Responsibility supporting Back to Challenges Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer
Townsville Map with STPTownsville Bohle River Ross River Ross Dam Black River Mt St John STP Discharge Bohle River STP Discharge Magnetic Island Townsville Port Sandfly Creek Alligator Creek Crocodile Creek Cape Cleveland Cleveland Bay STP Discharge Condon STP Discharge Mt Low STP Discharge Deeragun STP Discharge Ross River Catchment Area1707 km 2 Sugar<10 km 2 Hort.<10 km 2 Clearing1229 km 2 Grazing1481 km 2
Ensure sustainable management of storm water, ground water and effluent Focus on the benefits of total water cycle management including recycled water Reduce N & P discharge from STP to 5:1 ratio by 2008 through a load based licence Objectives include…
View the coastal marine environment as a biophysical indicator of our effectiveness in managing terrestrial waterways and wetlands. Identify waterway health indicators & develop a score card system to access ecosystem healthscore card system Inform, educate, and involve community based stewardship, awareness and ownership of catchment and wetland issues (including recreational use) Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer Objectives include (continued)…
CoT TPA ( Cleveland Bay Consortium ) EPA GBRMPA (LMAC) NQ Water Biodiversity & natural values of catchment Storm water, treated water, water supply and use Community ownership and education Monitoring and catchment health indicators Urban and rural planning and development Key terrestrial and coastal sites Scientific research agencies Coordinatio n BDTB Traditional Owner Groups (BDTB) Govt. Agencie s NaREF Commerce and Industry Schools & Communit y Groups TCC (CVA) Framework
Current Board of Directors TCC Mayor, CoT Mayor, GBRMPA, EPA Executive Director Current Project Control Group Consists of representatives from TCC, CoT, EPA, GBRMPA C to C Coordinator Traditional Owner Advisory Group (BDTB) Environmental Management Reference Group EPA, NQ Water, TCC, CoT, TPA, GBRMPA Working Groups Communications Network
Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Research CRCReef ACTFR JCU AIMS CSIRO CoT TCC EPA GBRMPA NQ Water TPA CVA DNR&M DPI AAL Defence QNI AMH BM Webb Group Community Education and Involvement NaREF CVA GBRMPA TCC Citiwater CoT Thuringowa Water Environmental Protection and Emergency Response EPA TCC CoT DPI TPA DNR&M AAL On-ground Action and Infrastructure TCC CoT NQ Water NaREF TPA Thuringowa Water Citiwater Main Roads Community Partners Seagrass Watch, Reef Check, Louisa Creekwatch Fish Watch (TCC), Traditional Owners, TSV Sustainable Schools Local Marine Advisory Committee (LMAC) Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Marine Coastal Community Network (MCCN), Reef Guardian Schools Indo Pacific Sea Turtle Conservation Group (IPSTCG) Burdekin Dry Tropics Board (BDTB), NQCC Natural Resource Environment Forum (NaREF)
The Working Groups Integrated Water Quality Monitoring & Research Community Education and Involvement On-ground Action and Infrastructure Environmental Protection & Emergency Response
Stormwater (GPTs) Sewage / recycled water (STPs, Industries) Water supply & treatment Managing point source discharge from industry and ERAs Rivers, creeks & wetland rehabilitation Groundwater Use Graphic courtesy of SEQ Healthy Waterways INFRASTRUCTURE WORKING GROUP
Catchment tours Events (Ecofiesta, Wetlands festival) Reef Guardian Schools (Reef Beat) TSV Sustainable Schools Calenders, fliers, posters Seagrass Coral Reef Health Water quality & Fish Marine Turtles Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer Community Education, Involvement and Monitoring
LOCAL, STATE & COMMONWEALTH GOVERNMENT AGENCIES COMMUNITY GROUPSSCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AGENCIES INDUSTRY & COMMERCE EPALouisa Creek WatchCRC ReefAust Meat Holdings DNRWaterWatchJCUSun Metals NQ WaterNaREFACTFRXtrata Copper TPAReef CheckAIMSBM Webb Group CoTSea Grass WatchCSIROQNI TCCIPSTCG DPI AAL TSV airportOUCH DPIMCCN Defence Qld Transport Monitor receiving water quality & ecosystem health Establish baseline understanding of current monitoring Report cards / State of Environment reports Water Quality Monitoring Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer
Coral Fish habitat & species Aquatic weeds Riparian vegetation Mangroves, seagrass, algae Turtles (marine/fresh) / dugong Birds Water Quality Ecosystem Health Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer
ScoreCard Graphic courtesy of SEQ Healthy Waterways
Townsville City Council City of Thuringowa Environmental Protection Agency NQ Water Townsville Port Authority Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Current Partners
exit The End CyberFactory.com.au Sustainable Townsville
C2C Combined Townsville, Thuringowa and State Government Initiative to Maintain and Enhance our Healthy Waterways in the Coastal Dry Tropics
An acting coordinator has been employed by TCC to initiate implementation of the Creek to Coral project. The project coordinator will facilitate the involvement of relevant stakeholders in the project control groups and the working groups. Creek to Coral Administration and management
Stakeholder involvement in agreement-based decision making Whole of community approach to monitoring & feedback Local government as champions and advocates Good quality integrated monitoring Effective and timely project management Good external links to regional planning & funding (all levels of government involved and committed) Adequate funding generated through creative alliances of governments, industry and community Slide prepared by R. Allan – C2C Project Officer Success Factors
Thuringowa Area1057 km 2 Sugar9.7 km 2 Hort.4.2 km 2 Clearing501 km 2 Grazing802 km 2 Black River Catchment