Intro/Animals Unit 6: Food Think back to…ethics (Chavez), runoff activity (pest/herbicides, fertilizer, etc.). What do we do with a growing population in the face of events like famine? Bill Nye video:
Nutrition Background Malnutrition – not enough or variety of Calories Humans use food for energy and building/maintaining body tissues 1 “Calorie” (capital C) is actually a kilocalorie (1000 calories) Energy needed to raise 1 kilogram of water 1°C Carbs (4 Cal/g), Proteins (4 Cal/g), Lipids (9 Cal/g) Malnutrition – not enough or variety of Calories Carbs are main source of energy, oils/fats also help form membranes, proteins help maintain structure
Nutrition Around the World A healthy diet maintains the right balance of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins Wheat, corn, rice, potatoes, soybeans are most widely produced— where’s the meat? Food efficiency – measures quantity on a given area of land with limited inputs Animals might take up less space, but what are they going to eat? (Stay tuned—GMOs!) New foods – glasswort! (can grow in salty soils)
World Food Problems Most people are not satisfied with “just enough” Leads to impoverished people – often subsistence farmers (trying provide food for their families AND to sell) Where are they going to get water for irrigation? Population is growing faster than food (grain) production Green Revolution (1950s) – new varieties of plants that produced MORE (did this help the subsistence farmers?) Modern agriculture in developing countries. What are some other drawbacks?
Food from Animal Sources Domestication – animals bred/managed for human use Not limited to land species – fish and other aquatic organisms play an important role! Overharvesting – catching/using more than a population can replace No-Fishing zones – big improvements in a few years Aquaculture – oyster farms (Chesapeake); manually create “ideal” situations for organism/population growth Farm (for consumption) v. Ranch (raised to be released)
Ranches! (not so great for the environment)
Livestock Provide meat (duh), but also leather, wool, and other products in developing countries Integrated farming – duck poop to fertilize rice paddies! Ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats) – animals that have 3-4 chambered stomachs Cud – throw up their food to allow it to aid in their digestion; when we eat that meat, it aids in ours! Factory farms (next slide) India has a lot of cows but…