KINSTON BYPASS STIP Project No. R-2553 CITIZENS INFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP No. 1 Kinston High School – February 23, 2010 Kinston Public Service Complex – February 25, 2010 This informational presentation will restart every 5 minutes. Kinston Bypass STIP Project No. R-2553
Welcome This presentation will cover: Purpose of this evening’s workshop History of the project Discuss needs for the project Welcome to the first round of Citizens Informational Workshop for the Kinston Bypass project. This presentation will summarize the purpose for this evening’s workshop, review the project history, and discuss needs for the project. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Purpose of this evening’s Workshop Inform the community about the project Explain the study process Gather input, suggestions and feedback about the project and why it is needed Answer any questions about the project The purpose of this evening’s workshop is to: -present information to the community about the project, -explain the study process, -gather information, suggestions and comments from the public about the project and why it is needed, and -to answer any questions the public may have about the project. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Project History – 1990s NCDOT initiated environmental and engineering studies for the Kinston Bypass Project The Kinston Bypass project was placed on hold as the Crescent Road Project (also known as C.F. Harvey Parkway) became a higher priority due to the Global TransPark industrial development To review the project history, NCDOT initiated environmental and engineering studies for the Kinston Bypass Project in the 1990s. The Kinston Bypass project was then placed on hold as the Crescent Road Project (also known as C.F. Harvey Parkway) became a higher priority due to the Global TransPark industrial development. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Project History – 2000s May 2009 February 2010 NCDOT restarted the project by requesting input from city, town, and county officials, as well as state and federal resource agencies February 2010 NCDOT holds first round of Citizens Informational Workshops In May 2009, NCDOT restarted the project by requesting input from city, town, and county officials, as well as state and federal resource agencies Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
City of Kinston Comprehensive Transportation Plan The Kinston Bypass is included in the City of Kinston Comprehensive Transportation Plan as a new location highway south of Kinston as shown here. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Project Description The Kinston Bypass is also included in the NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program. The STIP includes cost estimates for priority projects identified by municipalities or metropolitan planning organizations in order to distribute state and federal funds. For initial funding purposes, the STIP has programmed the study of possible alternatives for improving traffic flow along US 70 in Lenoir County as the Kinston Bypass (STIP No. R-2553); which might include a new location highway south of Kinston as shown here. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
General Project Need Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553 US 70 from Raleigh to Morehead City is also designated as a Strategic Highway Corridor, which is a long-range highway planning vision created by the NC Department of Transportation in collaboration with NC Department of Commerce and NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources to protect and maximize mobility and connectivity on a core set of highway corridors throughout the state. Visions identified for the Strategic Highway Corridor would include improving and upgrading this section of US 70 to provide two travel lanes in each direction separated by a median, with access to the highway provided only on main roads by interchanges. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Project Study Area Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553 This figure shows the Draft Study Area in red for which alternatives may be developed and effects from the project will be studied. Even though the City of Kinston Comprehensive Transportation Plan and State Transportation Improvement Program show the Kinston Bypass as a new highway south of Kinston, a full range of alternatives will be considered; therefore, a Draft Study area has been developed to identify existing community and environmental resources that need to be protected as the project is developed. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Why is this project needed? Traffic congestion exists around Kinston and along existing US 70 and existing US 70 Bypass US 70 from Raleigh to Morehead City is designated as a Strategic Highway Corridor Why is this project needed? General needs for the project identified thus far include: traffic congestion existing around Kinston and along existing US 70 and existing US 70 Bypass, and that US 70 from Raleigh to Morehead City is designated as a Strategic Highway Corridor, which would include improving and Upgrading this section of US 70. NCDOT is hoping the public will be able to assist in identifying any additional transportation related problems along existing US 70 and/or existing US 70 Bypass or in the region. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Project Timeline Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553 The project study process will be presented at another station at this workshop; however, this timeline shows the project study will take several years to complete, with many public involvement opportunities throughout the study. As you can see by looking at the right side of the graphic, purchasing of right of way and construction will not occur until some time after the year 2015. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Workshop Layout The following stations are at the workshop: Station 1: Where Do You Live and Work Station 2: Project Presentation (You are Here) Station 3: Project Background Station 4: Existing Conditions Station 5: General Needs for the Project Station 6: Study Process and Project Schedule Station 7: Citizen Comments Children can visit the Kid’s Corner The workshop is set up with seven stations to help you learn more about the project and the study process. Please be sure to visit all seven stations. Additionally, if you have children, they may utilize the Kid’s Corner. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Don’t forget to… Sign-In Indicate where you live and work on the Project Vicinity Map Visit the Workshop Stations Provide Your Comments Please sign-in to let us know that you are here, provide your contact information for the mailing list, and pick up handouts. Indicate where you live and work on the Project Vicinity Map. Visit the Workshop Stations to learn more about the Project Background, the Existing Conditions of the roadway, the General Needs for the Project, the Project Study Process, and the Project Timeline. And, most importantly, provide us with your comments on the project. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Contact Information Chris Werner, P.E. URS Corporation 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 461-1470 or 1-800-233-6315 Mark Pierce, P.E. NCDOT Project Development and Environment Branch 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 (919) 733-7844, ext. 214 Toll Free Hotline 1-800-233-6315 This contact information is provided on the handouts available at the sign-in table. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553
Thanks for your Participation Please proceed to the next Workshop Station Thanks for your participation at tonight’s Citizens Informational Workshop. Please proceed to the next Workshop Station. Kinston Bypass STIP # R-2553