Welcome to the Year 4 Summer curriculum meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Year 4 Summer curriculum meeting Mrs Luquet-Gerrard and Mrs Dazzo

Items covered in the meeting Homework Assessment Curriculum map PE Useful websites Tudor day workshop Questions

Homework given weekly : Reading at least three times Weekly Homework Homework given weekly : Weekly spellings Times tables Reading at least three times Plus either a piece of: Maths English or RE

Hudnall Park Project Due Thursday 13th June 2019 Write a report about his or her visit. The project should comprise a section of no more than one page for each activity they did. It should include: Title page, A list of contents, About the journey there, The mountain biking, Problem solving, Den building, Orienteering, Art sculpture, The food and meals, The evenings, The overnight experience, The travel back home, A summary including what he or she liked the most and what they learnt. You can include maps, drawings, pictures and other illustrations to help inform and make it more fun to read. Hudnall Park Project Due Thursday 13th June 2019

Summer Assessment Reading comprehension Writing Maths Science

Sport day Friday 12th July Additional Information English Fiction: Myths, Stories from other cultures Non-Fiction: Explanation, Chronological reports Poetry: Poetry by heart, Nonsense poetry Grammar, Punctuation and spelling Reading and Handwriting RE Unit from the Diocese of Westminster From Easter to Pentecost A virtuous Life Mathematics Compare 4 and 5-digit numbers and place on a line. Read, use and compare negative numbers in the context of temperature. Mental and written additions and subtractions Problem solving and reasoning Decimals, percentages and their equivalence to fractions. Mental and written multiplication and division Geometry: properties of 2D and 3Dshapes Additions and subtractions of fractions with same or different denominators. Year 4 Curriculum DT/FT Money containers To learn how to sew using a range of different stitches. To design, make and evaluate a money container. Computing Herts for Learning Computing Scheme: Authoring Computer networks structure Multimedia texts Science Sound Explain that all sounds are made by objects vibrating and that sound can travel through gases, liquids and solids. Examine the structure of the ear & how vibrations are heard as sounds. Plan and carry out investigations. Living things and their Habitats Characteristics of living things & the basic needs their habitats supply. Establish why classification of plants & animals is important & classify minibeasts. Read & construct food chains & webs. Recognise that environments can change. History Tudors To find out who the Tudors were and when they lived To find out what people wore in Tudor times. To find out what the Tudors ate and which foods were available in Tudor Britain. To investigate crime and punishment during the Tudor period. To find out about diseases in Tudor Britain and how these diseases were treated. To investigate what life was like for Tudor children. PSHCE Rules and laws The Queen and Parliament Summer term 2019 Games/PE Rugby Unit Athletics Unit Running, jumping and throwing Sport day Friday 12th July Geography Village settlers To find out about the needs of early settlers and the origins of place names. To be able to identify settlements and reasons for their original siting. To be able to identify a range of mapping symbols and know their meanings. To understand and describe how settlements are connected. To design a village settlement influenced by physical features and personal choice. Spanish Tudor storyboard Food and drinks Ordering drinks and food in restaurant Art Tudor Portraits Warhol and the Pop Art movement  Music Singing Using instruments Tudor songs Additional Information Hudnall residential trip - Tudor workshop - Swimming Gala (5th July)

Summer Term- PE Tuesday morning Wednesday afternoon PE

Useful websites http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/Tudors.html http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/ http://mathszone.co.uk/ https://www.literacywagoll.com/

Tudor workshop To be arranged

Any questions?