GCF Readiness Support to enhance green finance in the areas of green cities in Lao PDR Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) At National Dialogue for GCF & GEF
GCF Readiness Project Target cities: Vientiane Capital, Thakhek, Kaison, Pakse, and Luangprabang Policy level Recommendations on how to integrate climate change into urban development planning in Lao PDR and associated tools; Recommendations to engage and mobilize private sector investment Activities/Investment Assess climate change issues at city level; Identify priority investment needs and develop concept notes; Identify opportunities to mobilize private sector investment
Challenges Often perceived to be disaster-risk oriented, and less on low carbon cities development and broader understanding of climate change adaptation. Principles incorporated into law, but not defined and lack of tools/frameworks and technical guidelines to incorporate climate change perspectives into cities planning (spatial or socio-economic), implementation, monitoring and reporting Unclear mandates/responsibilities among line ministries in terms of integrating climate change perspectives Limited awareness of and access to past studies related to climate change and urban development amongst city-stakeholders Administrative concept of “city” is evolving.
Ways forward for country program improvement? Climate change analyses and prioritization exercise as part of the readiness project can help to refine and add further details to the country program (for the 5 cities). Recommendations on ways to integrate climate change perspectives into urban/city planning, but follow up support and capacity building necessary to institutionalize climate responsive urban development. Support to NDA… Sharing Country Program with private sector stakeholders (banks and project developers) to identify opportunities for private sector engagement Try to strengthen climate change and urban development discussions in the sector and sub-sector working groups. 1/11/2016 Title of Module Goes Here