Laboratories Oversight Board 29th January 2019


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Presentation transcript:

Laboratories Oversight Board 29th January 2019 Programme Performance Update – Reporting Period 12/12/18 to 22/01/19

Regular Update Items Key Highlights Programme Budget Programme Metrics Key Risks & Issues Stakeholder Engagement Key Milestones Change Control Requests Project Updates

Blueprint Development Engagement & Communications Key Highlights IT Connectivity NLIIP Start up meeting complete for NHS Ayrshire and Arran Initial test list agreed with NHS Ayrshire and Arran NHS Borders technical issues resolved and pipe cleaning continuing Dashboard development complete for proof of concept Demo provided to East region Engagement sessions with 7 Boards on future development of NLIIP as well as proof of concept Notable Highlights Blueprint Development Engagement & Communications Date secured for North region workshop and draft programme complete Meeting of Blueprint Subgroup with proposed approach for standardisation Review of TB options business case Website under development Programme newsletter Content for website received from North Region

Key Programme Metrics @ 22nd January 2019 Stakeholder Engagement Programme Budget Programme Resources Overall Programme Status Benefits Realisation Programme Schedule Programme Leadership

Programme Metrics Commentary Explanatory Commentary Stakeholder engagement (G) Stakeholder engagement continuing through the regional groups, networks, IG leads and eHealth leads. Local stakeholder events taken place in North region and being planned in the East region. Programme Budget (R) The current year end forecast position indicates an underspend of approximately £320k due to further delay in slower mobilisation than anticipated and additional delays in NPEx deployments. Conversations are ongoing regarding the ability to bid for the carry forward of underdspend monies into 19/20. The programme metric tolerance position of >5% places this metric at red. Programme Resources (A) Core programme team currently have a vacancy for a Programme Director. Plans are underway to advertise the post asap. Benefits Realisation (G) Committed business case benefits are to be realised from year 2 (19/20) onwards. Current activity focuses on the development of a benefits methodology and approach for presentation to the LOB in March. Programme Schedule (A) Programme plan remains at amber with pressure on timescales for NPEx deployments specifically obtaining information governance approvals along with technical issues in NHS Borders and NHS Forth Valley creating delays. A revised schedule including a delay for NHS Orkney and the omission of NHS Western Isles resulting in a change control request. Programme Leadership (A) Chief Executive now chairing the North Region Labs Group . Labs Programme Director vacancy places this metric at amber. Overall Programme (A) Overall, subjective, metric stays at amber consistent with last performance report. This is due to NPEx deployment change control requests, underspend on budget and pressures coming through on other key milestones. Positive progress made in achievement of proof of concept for NLIIP.

Change Control Requests & Decisions Requests @ 22nd January 2019 2 Changes to NPEx deployment schedule No business cases received from DSG

Stakeholder Engagement & Communications F2F engagement Social media channels being explored Newsletter circulations Laboratory staff engagement sessions planned with East Region Programme website has gone live Regional Boards, Local Board IG and eHealth Leads,

Risks, Issues & Dependencies Summary Risks Issues Red 3 Amber 7 1 Green 2 Issues IG sign off on data sharing agreement for NHS Orkney and NHS Shetland and NHS Ayrshire and Arran National roadmap milestone not achievable for March LOB Technical issue in NHS Borders has halted progress and completion delayed by 2 weeks Rescheduling of NHS Orkney deployment Rescheduling of NHS Forth Valley

Project Status Updates IT Connectivity Delivery Project 1 National Laboratories Intelligence & Information Platform Delivery Project 2 Blueprint Development & Benefits Workstream 3

IT Connectivity Project This Period Last Period Amber Red Start up meeting with NHS Ayrshire and Arran Agreed initial test list with NHS Ayrshire and Arran Resolved technical connectivity issues at NHS Borders and resumed pipe clean testing Agreed deployment approach for NHS Orkney and Shetland Delivered this period IG sign off NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Orkney and NHS Shetland Rescheduling of NHS Forth Valley deployment Numerous technical connectivity issues at NHS Borders, 2 weeks delay on completion Technical connectivity issues with NHS Forth Valley Challenges Actions for next period Completion of Organisational Readiness for NHS Shetland and NHS Ayrshire and Arran Completion of NPEx deployment in NHS Borders Scope requirements for expansion plans for NHS Dumfries and Galloway and NHS Fife QFIT deployments

National Laboratories Intelligence & Information Platform Project This Period Last Period Green National Laboratories Intelligence & Information Platform Project Prototype dashboard now live with NHS Fife and Lothian data Dashboard access to East region users for review and feedback Engagement sessions with 7 Boards Demo of dashboard to NLIIP Steering Group Delivered this period Managing expectations of end users Maintaining momentum into Q4 Challenges Profile NHS Borders data and add to dashboard Focus groups with West region Engagement sessions with remaining Boards Create new programme plan based on outcome of discussions with LOB on way forward Learning session with SNBTS and SCI store Actions for next period

Blueprint Development & Benefits Workstream This Period Last Period Amber Green Blueprint Development & Benefits Workstream Meeting of Blueprint Subgroup Review of first Business Case coming via DSG for review Delivered this period Communicating the Blueprint more widely with Laboratories stakeholders Maintaining momentum and ensuring that the Blueprint is actively used as key guiding tool Maintaining momentum in North and West regions Challenges Actions for next period Highlight areas of commonality and synergy Identify regional and national building blocks and enablers North region workshop delivered with priority outputs Benefits realisation methodology and approach to be presented to the LOB

Next LABORATORIES Oversight Board – 14 March 2019 Next LABORATORIES Oversight Board – 14 March

Key Programme Metrics Definitions Stakeholder Engagement Programme Budget Programme Resources Subjective evaluation of whether key stakeholders are active engaged regionally and nationally. This measure is not designed to assess stakeholders agreement on all matters but rather the extent to which they are being actively engaged. Factual evaluation of actual expenditure variance against the allocated transformation fund monies. Measurement is based on; <3% variance YTD against control total (G) <5% variance YTD against control total (A) >5% variance YTD against forecast (R) Assessment of whether sufficient resources are place across the central programme team and in the Regions to deliver the key milestones planned within the reporting period being reviewed. Benefits Realisation Programme Schedule Programme Leadership This metric evaluates the extent to which the benefits outlined in the business case are being realised over each reporting period. Also considers the underpinning methodology, measurement and tracking approach and local ownership. Evaluation of delivery achievement against baselined milestone deliverables and events in a particular reporting period. Deliverables are weighted as 20% for milestones and 10% for events, marginal late delivery that does not impact the critical path. Measurement is on; <10% variance YTD against baseline (G) <20% variance YTD against baseline (A) >20% variance YTD against baseline (R) Baseline plan presented to LOB on 5/11/18. Assessment of the extent to which senior roles are filled and active sponsorship is evident across the NLPT, LOB and Regions (e.g. Prog Dir, SRO, Chair, CEO, Clinical and Planning Leads). This metric is evaluated based on posts filled but also visible, auditable evidence of active leadership and oversight to drive activities forward, resolve issues and engage stakeholders.