(Add process function here) Process Charter (Add date) 2015
1. Our purpose (why we exist) Add a short description of the purpose of the process function 3. Our priorities (what is most important to us right now) Add what your short term priorities are here, for example review the processes available on Our way of working, or mapping the end to end process 2. Our strategy (how we will succeed) Add your long term process strategy here, for example making the processes available on Our way of working, useful, useable and used. Or sharing best practice across the geographical areas 4. Our KPI’s (how we measure success) Add two or three key measures so you can monitor your success 5. Our responsible people Accountable – ‘The buck stops here’ This is the person who is accountable for delivering this charter Add name here Responsible – ‘Who is doing what’ These are the key people that actually DO the work required to deliver this charter Add name Consult – ‘What do you think & what are your needs’ These are the people who need to be consulted to ensure the charter is delivered. (remember to add customers of your process) Add name Inform – ‘Did you know ?’ These are the people / functions who need to be informed of actions & decisions that affect the delivery of this charter. Add name/function Add name function
5. How we will achieve our goals Objective (SMART objectives that should deliver the charter) Benefit Mechanism for measure Current status Responsible person Target completion date Comments Add 2 or 3 objectives Current status definition Completed Being delivered Being delivered late or to a lesser extent Not being delivered Not started