Dr. Meera Suvarna , Nidhi Thacker SOPs and functions of Linen and Laundry dept. of large Multispecialty Hospital Dr. Meera Suvarna , Nidhi Thacker
Introduction Laundry service is responsible for providing an adequate, clean and constant supply of linen to all users. A reliable laundry service is of utmost importance to the hospital. In today’s medical care facilities, patients expect linen to be changed daily. An adequate supply of clean linen is sufficient for the comfort and safety of the patient thus becomes essential. The main purpose of this department is to provide clean material to the patients and ensure that hygienic conditions are maintained in the process.
Objectives To provide linen free of dirt, soils and stains to all User Departments. 2. To monitor and enforce controls necessary to prevent spoilage (wear & tear due to washing) of linen and reduce the frequency of linen turn over by increasing their life period. 3. To maintain record of effectiveness of cleaning, disinfecting and turnover. 4. To increase efficiency, economy, accuracy and provision of better patient care. 5. To develop a cost effective program by cost analysis of personnel, supplies and equipment.
Function Collecting soiled linen from various places. 2. Sorting the linen and processing them. 3. Inspecting and repairing or replacing damaged materials. 4. Distributing clean linen to the respective user departments. 5. Maintaining different types of registers
SOP Receipt of Dirty Linen Each linen should have an identity of its own. The proposed identity for the Linen is as follows: Name of the Organisation : ABC Hospital Name or No. of the Ward/ Room : Ortho II or 6 Name of the Material : BS (Bedsheet), PG (Patient Gown), DS (Draw Sheet), PC (Pillow Case), etc,. Number of the Linen: 1 to …..
Sorting of Linen: The linen after collected from the different wards has to be sorted out in the Laundry. The Soiled, stained and normal dirty linen have to be sorted out. Removal of Soils/ Stains: It is recommended that 4 gms of bleaching powder for every liter of hot water(20 – 43 C) and dipping the clothes for at least 20 minutes is recommended for removal of Soils and stains The persons handling the soiled/stained linen should use a thick rubber gloves that can tolerate Bleach and Luke Warm water. Washing: Hot water (20 – 43 C) is recommended for using in washing machines. This can act as an disinfecting agent too. The time of linen in the washing machine depends on different types of linen. Usually it is recommended for 30 minutes in the mode of strong wash.
Water Extractors & Dryers The washed linen is put in the water extractors for 3 – 5 minutes and then sent to dryers for drying. Sorting of torn linen for tailoring After drying, the linen is checked for wear and tears. The torn clothes should be sent for mending/ tailoring. If the linen is out of the scope of mending, then the condemnation committee should condemn it. The Condemnation Committee should consist of the following members. 1. Laundry Supervisor 2. Tailor 3. Store Officer 4. Responsible person from the User Department.
Folding and Pressing A pressing machine that can generate its own steam is recommended. This can help in saving the electricity and wastage of steam while traveling a long distance. Now a days, the systems that are self dependent are preferred to save the costs. Distribution The finished goods are to be stored in the clean storage area before distribution. The clean linen should be checked for quantity before delivery. Then the linen should be distributed to different Departments in a separate trolley which are not used for collection.
LINEN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Centralized distribution service Clean for dirty Topping up Exchange trolley system Pack system Decentralized linen service Mixed linen service
STORAGE SYSTEM The storage system should be designed as to enable items to be stored at least 8 inches from the floor, 2 inches from the outside walls and At least 18 inches from ceiling fixtures.
DOCUMENTS TO BE MAINTAINED 1. Instruction manual for all the equipment. 2. Records of all preventive maintenance, calibration and repairs of equipment. 3. Load Records including contents of each load, initials of the operator, equipment number or other identification and the date and time of cycle.
Laundry capacity and load American standard: An average of 6.8 kg per bed per day plus 11.3 kg for each operation or delivery British standard: 60 articles per bed per week at 0.39 kg per article Indian standard: 2 to 5 kg per bed per day
List Of Equipment's Double door Washing machine Hydro extractor Drying Tumbler Calendaring Machine Flat bed Steam Press Dry-cleaning Machine Boiler Hand Press Rolling Table Ironing Table Automated Loading Unloading Washer
List Of Equipment's Dry linen trolley Wet linen trolley Distribution trolley Motorized sewing machine Air compressor
Activity Flowchart
Conclusion Thus, laundry and linen service plays a very important role in maintaining and safeguarding the health and hygiene of both the inpatient and medical staff. The quality and standard of this service determines in a large measure, the quality of any health care system.
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