National Summit on Digital Equity & Economic Inclusion: From Compliance to Impact May 14-15, 2019 NEA Washington, DC Thanks to NEA for hosting, our sponsors for financing, our partners for encouraging participation, our presenters, panelists, facilitators and recorders for guiding and informing us, and YOU for joining us bith here and via live-stream!
Welcome and Thanks! Deepest thanks to NEA for hosting us all Our sponsors for making the summit possible Our partners for helping get the word out The Internet Society for kindly live-streaming this Our presenters, panelists, workgroup facilitators and recorders, Our resource showcase partcipants for showing you that solving the digital divide is feasible right here, right now, and, of course: YOU for participating with us in person and via live-stream 44% of households earning <$30,000 year lack home broadband 46% of these households lack a home computer 26% are “smartphone-dependent” even for homework and job applications where a full keyboard would boost productivity dramatically 24% of low-income households have only one Internet-capable device, compelling device sharing across all family purposes and potential users. Meanwhile, employers almost universally rely on online job announcements and applications to meet labor demand, even for non-living wage jobs.
Historic Moment We’re now in a historic moment when Banks and foundations have unprecedented opportunity to invest in digital equity at scale Challenge is to define “digital equity” Is it just “cheap boxes and wires”? Or can and should it encompass more so investments will be impactful?
Key Challenges Develop a shared definition of “systemic digital equity” Address Research agenda and initiative Aligning education foundations’ and banks’ CRA investments Fostering national network of statewide initiatives – digital eqity for economic inclusion in LMI areas Sustaining funds for local tech & librarian support for LMI learners Improving collaboration among DE and EI resource providers Assisting banking and educational system leaders at scakle to develop win-win-win funding partnerships <10% of school districts report that all students have access to non-shared devices at home 5 million school-age children lack home broadband Mostly in low-income families and Also in rural areas where broadband is non-existent or expensive Low-income families are 4 times more likely to lack home broadband Meanwhile: Nearly 50% of students say unable to complete homework due to lack of home access to broadband and a computer 90% of teachers assign homework requiring Internet use at least several times each month To put it in context: let’s see this short clip.
(c) copyright Education Development Centter, all rights reserved, 2015 Next Steps After Barry Wides’ keynote address, hought-provoking informal panel discussion and framing remarks Workgroups, each addressing one of the key challenges Better define the problem Develop proposed solutions Recommend strategies for making them happen Resource showcase: learn about compelling digital equity & economic inclusion resources Evening panel – “no more one-legged stools” – integrating digital equity, economic inclusion & educational opportunity Closing press conference on EBS policy for affordable rural broadband We’ll emerge with several proposed national strategies for action (c) copyright Education Development Centter, all rights reserved, 2015
Now we can start the show! Delighted to introduce Krista Shonk, vice president for regulatory compliance policy for the American Bankers Association. She’ll be introducing our keynote speaker, Barry Wides. (c) copyright Education Development Centter, all rights reserved, 2015