HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association www.hiddenlakehoa.com ANNUAL MEETING June 14, 2012
DID YOU KNOW…? IS ONE DAY PER WEEK On May 9, 2012 the Southwest Florida Water Management District issued an Emergency Modified Phase II Severe Water Shortage Order Irrigation Using County or Wells/Lakes/Ponds IS ONE DAY PER WEEK If your house number ends in: Then you may water ONLY on: 0 or 1 Monday 2 or 3 Tuesday 4 or 5 Wednesday 6 or 7 Thursday 8 or 9, or Mixed or no address Friday Watering Hours Watering is not allowed between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. EACH observed violation may result in a County fine of $193
DID YOU KNOW…? Reclaimed Water - COUNTY RESTRICTIONS As of April 20, 2012 county reclaimed water customers will have limited access to reclaimed water for only two days per week until further notice If your house number ends in: Then you may water ONLY on: EVEN number (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) Tuesday and Saturday ODD number (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) or Mixed or no address Wednesday and Sunday Watering Hours Watering is not allowed between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. EACH observed violation may result in a County fine of $193
DID YOU KNOW…? Our website works for you and our advertisers Business must be registered with Pinellas County Rates are $25.00 per year for business card sized ad Special offer savings & coupons are encouraged for members If you know a business that would like to consider to capitalize on our business ask them to contact your HOA through our website www.HiddenLakeHOA.com
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association www.hiddenlakehoa.com ANNUAL MEETING June 14, 2012
Annual Meeting Agenda June 14, 2012 Hidden Lake Home Owners Association Annual Meeting Agenda June 14, 2012 Roll Call and Certifying of Proxies Proof of Notice Reading and Approval of Minutes Last Annual Members Meeting (June 9, 2011) Speaker from Sherriff’s Office - Deputy Beverly Borland (Neighborhood Watch) Officers’ Reports Treasurer – Presentation of 2011-2012 Budget (5 slides) Secretary President Committee Reports Audit / Financial Review Recreation / Block Captain Document Review Architectural Committee Neighborhood Watch Committee Maintenance / Grounds / Lake Discussion and Voting on the Motions Transferring of 2011-2012 (Rollover any excess operating funds) Election of Board Members Interested candidates to date Anna Fiola Charles Gauna Mike Manion Lauren Vonderau Unfinished Business New Business: Selection of Violation Committee General Discussion by Members Adjournment A meeting to include the newly elected Directors will follow to elect officers, appoint new committee chairs, and adopt the new budget
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association Roll Call and Certifying of Proxies Proof of Notice Reading and Approval of Minutes - Last Annual Members Meeting (June 9, 2011)
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association 4) Pinellas County Sherriff’s Office (Neighborhood Watch) Deputy Beverly Borland
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association 5) a) Treasurer’s Report Bob Griffiths Treasurer’s Presentation Expenditures/Budget 2011 – 2012 2012 - 2013 Approved Budget Delinquencies (Unpaid Assessments) Reserve Status Where the Funds Are
1) Expenditures/Budget 2011 – 2012 Hidden Lake HOA 6/14/2012 1) Expenditures/Budget 2011 – 2012 Approved 11/12 BUDGET Est. Actual Over (Under) BUDGET Explanation ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. ADMINISTRATION 1.1 DIRECTORIES - 1.2 INSURANCE 3,800 2,126 (1,674) New carrier 1.3 LEGAL FEES/REGIST. 2,000 3,262 1,262 Foreclosure actions/ BL-DR revision 1.4 OFFICE SUPPLIES 150 135 (15) 1.5 POSTAGE 225 299 74 BL/DR notification 1.6 COPY PRINTING 350 501 151 1.7 TAXES 167 17 1.8 STORAGE CENTER 530 526 (4) WEBSITE 240 (0) 1.9 MEETING ROOM 100 103 3 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 7,545 7,359 (186) 2. MAINTENANCE 2.1 LAWN CUTTING 11,400 2.2 LAKE SERVICE 1,824 1,848 24 2.4 IRRIGATION SYS. 1,400 1,260 (140) Volunteer effort 2.5 LANDSCAPING 2,300 5,440 3,140 New sod/plants/mulch/LV lights & lake clearing 2.7 PLAY/PARK REP 400 380 (20) 2.8 ELECTRICAL 251 (149) TOTAL MAINTENANCE 17,724 20,578 2,854 3. UTILITIES 3.1 ELECTRICITY 2,800 2,719 (81) 3.2 WATER 900 909 9 TOTAL UTILITIES 3,700 3,628 (72) 4. SOCIAL/RECREATION 600 767 New homeowner gift certs. 5. PUBLICITY 71 (29) TOTAL BEFORE RESERVES 29,669 32,404 2,735 6. RESERVES Expended 6.1 WALL/ENTRANCES 1,000 6.2 PLAYGROUND EQUIP 6.3 LAKE MAINT. 2,400 6.4 500 6.5 TENNIS COURTS 1,500 6.6 GENERAL RSVE. TOTAL RESERVES 3,000 TOTALS 32,669 34,804
2) 2012 - 2013 Approved Budget Hidden Lake HOA 6/14/2012 Approved 11/12 12/13 Change Explanation ITEM DESCRIPTION BUDGET 1. ADMINISTRATION 1.1 DIRECTORIES - 200 New directory 1.2 INSURANCE 3,800.00 2,200 (1,600) New carrier 1.3 LEGAL FEES/REGIST. 2,000.00 4,000 2,000 Increased enforcement 1.4 OFFICE SUPPLIES 150.00 175 25 1.5 POSTAGE 225.00 225 1.6 COPY PRINTING 350.00 500 150 New BL/DR booklet 1.7 TAXES 1.8 STORAGE CENTER 530.00 530 WEBSITE 240.00 240 1.9 MEETING ROOM 100.00 125 TOTAL ADMINISTRATION 7,545 8,370 825 2. MAINTENANCE 2.1 LAWN CUTTING 11,400.00 11,400 2.2 LAKE SERVICE 1,824.00 1,900 76 Rate increase 2.4 IRRIGATION SYS. 1,400.00 600 Increased contracted work 2.5 LANDSCAPING 2,300.00 6,400 4,100 2.7 PLAY/PARK REP 400.00 1,600 Upgrade 2.8 ELECTRICAL 1,000 TOTAL MAINTENANCE 17,724 24,700 6,976 3. UTILITIES 3.1 ELECTRICITY 2,800 2,900 100 3.2 WATER 900 TOTAL UTILITIES 3,700 3,800 4. SOCIAL/RECREATION 5. PUBLICITY 80 (20) TOTAL BEFORE RESERVES 29,669 37,550 7,881 6. RESERVES 6.1 WALL/ENTRANCES (100) 6.2 PLAYGROUND EQUIP 6.3 LAKE MAINT. 6.4 (500) 6.5 TENNIS COURTS 1,500 6.6 GENERAL RSVE. TOTAL RESERVES 3,000 TOTALS 32,669 40,550 $ 189.94 $ 235.76
3 3) Delinquencies (Unpaid Assessments) Hidden Lake HOA 6/14/2012 3) Delinquencies (Unpaid Assessments) No. of residence with unpaid Assessments 3 Assessments 09/10 assessments 2 @ $185.00 $ 370.00 10/11 assessments 3 @ $185.00 $ 555.00 11/12 assessments 3 @ $190.00 $ 570.00 Penalties due as of 6/14/12 09/10 assessments (2) $ 50.00 10/11 assessments (3) $ 150.00 11/12 assessments (3) Total due HLHOA $ 1,845.00 All three delinquencies have been in the hands of HLHOA attorneys (Bush-Ross) and legal actions have commenced with considerable legal fees being incurred of which the resident is liable for a substantial portion
4) Reserve Status Hidden Lake HOA 6/14/12 Deed Used Estimated Restriction Reserve in Balance Budget Maximum Category 11/12 6/30/12 12/13 6/30/13 Note 1 To Fund Wall/Entrances 5,040 900 5,940 10,000 4,060 Playground Equip. 2,000 - Lake Maint. 2,400 600 500 1,100 3,000 1,900 Irrigation System Tennis Courts 1,600 4,000 15,000 11,000 General Reserves Total Reserves $ 2,400 $ 15,040 $ 3,000 $ 18,040 $ 35,000 $16,960 Footnotes - 1 Reference page 13 of By-Laws & Deed Restrictions
5) Where the funds are Hidden Lake HOA 6/14/12 Fifth Third Bank APY Bank Balances as of 6/1/2012 Interest Account Type Date Amount Term Rate Cert. of Deposit $ - Money Market $ 21,871 <.01% Checking A/C $ 3,654 Total Funds at 6/1/2012 $ 25,525 MM $ will be moved to CD(s) at most favorable rates & terms by month-end June/July as assessments are received.
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association Treasurer’s Report June 14, 2012 Any Questions? E-mail - brgriffiths@tampabay.rr.com Call - 789-9309
5) b) Secretary’s Report HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association 5) b) Secretary’s Report Patti Molli
5) c) President’s Report HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association 5) c) President’s Report Mike Manion
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association Committee Reports Audit / Financial Review Recreation / Block Captain Document Review Architectural Committee Neighborhood Watch Committee Maintenance / Grounds / Lake
MAINTENANCE REPORT Performed in 2011 – 2012 Planned for 2012 – 2013 Hidden Lake Home Owners Association MAINTENANCE REPORT Performed in 2011 – 2012 Partial Sodding of Park New & Extended Irrigation Lines Mulching of Entrances New Plants (Park & Entrances) Low Voltage Lights Installed Tree Removal Lake Debris Removal Planned for 2012 – 2013 Additional Sodding of Park Tree Trimming Relocation/Enlargement of Park Pump House Plant Replacement Irrigation Line Maintenance/Replacement Playground Upgrade/Painting Relocation of A19 Timer/Controller
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association Discussion & Voting on the Motions Transfer of 2011-2012 (Rollover of Any Excess Operating Funds)
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association Election to Board of Directors Interested Candidates to Date Anna Fiola Charles Gauna Mike Manion Lauren Vonderau
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association Unfinished Business
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association New Business a) Selection of Violation Committee The Violation Resolution Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members appointed by the Board who are not officers, directors, or employees of the Association, or the spouse, parent, child, brother, or sister of an officer, director, or employee. These requirements shall be consistent with those specified in Section 720.305(2)b of the Florida Statutes
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association General Discussion by Members
HIDDEN LAKE Home Owners Association Adjournment