Reporting of National Programmes and Review of emission inventories


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting of National Programmes and Review of emission inventories CAFE SG 17-18 May 2004 Andreas Barkman (EEA) Justin Goodwin (ETC/ACC)

Explicit requirements: Projections Policies and Meas. Socio-econ. assumptions Projections presented Changes in Geo. Dist. Pollutants affected Quant. Assessm. of effects Pollutants covered Policy name Impl. status Projections Policies and Meas.

Good Practice Reporting: Projections Policies and Meas. Split of proj. by sector Disc. on uncertainty Interaction w. other policies Implement. body Pres. of results Aim of policy Projections Policies and Meas.

Projected shortfall in emission abatement to meet emission ceilings in 2010 (% of ceiling)   SO2 NOx J L J L VOC NH3

Conclusions First reporting not timely, scattered and with varying level of detail With measures projections indicate that only two MS reach NEC ceilings for all pollutants The ceilings for NOx and NH3 are most problematic Few MS report envisaged additional measures Key socio-economic assumptions and uncertainties are seldom addressed and discussed Effects of reported PAMs are generally not quantified and interaction with other policies (e.g. CC policies) are often not addressed

Inventory Improvement Programme (IIP) CLRTAP/NEC Review 2004 Use: CAFÉ Indicators Policy Target setting …… Review to…. Establish Confidence Focus Improvement Improve Usefulness Review process…. Part of TFEIP IIP Managed by EEA/EMEP Annual Review Quality & Compliance Country Involvement Report to EMEP & TFEIP Inventory Reporting Inventory Improvement Programme (IIP) TFEIP Improvement Review EEA/EMEP Recommendations

Comparability:- How do emission Factors compare? 2002 NMVOC 1A4b Residential Combustion SE DE BE NL

Recalculation:- % Change between 2001 and 2002 inventories EU15 NOx New MS

Completeness:- % of data values or notations 100% 50% 25% 0%

Conclusions: Benefits of Review Understand the limitations Where are the gaps… Are they important? Improve quality of the data we use Identify problems & focus improvement Administrative e.g. Reporting Scientific e.g. Consistency, Comparability Research Data Gathering Guidelines Improve the quality of, and confidence in emission inventory based decisions

Draft recommendations National Programmes There is a need to clarify the level of detail on reporting requirements and formats for projections as well PAMs. Any type of guidance for projections and PAMs should be consistent with the implementing provisions of EU GHG Monitoring Mechanism Review process There is a need to develop a formal framework for strengthening review of emission inventories and projections under CAFE

Thank you for your attention!