2nd-Romania-Japan Seminar Clean Coal Technology (CCT) Seminar January 30, 2019 Bucharest Ministry of Energy (MOE), Romania Romanian National Committee of World Energy Council (RNC-WEC) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Japan Japan Coal Energy Center (JCOAL)
Ministry of Energy (MOE), Romania Organizer’s Opening Address 1: Mr. Doru Vişan Secretary of State Ministry of Energy (MOE), Romania (9:30-9:40)
Organizer’s Opening Address 2: Mr. Hiroyuki Tsukada Director for Clean Coal Policy Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) , Japan (9:40-9:50)
Environment Department Organizer’s Opening Address 3: Mr. Noboru Aoki Director General Environment Department New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) , Japan (9:50-10:00)
Ambassador of Japan in Romania Welcome Address 1: HE Mr. Hitoshi Noda Ambassador of Japan in Romania (10:00-10:10)
Romanian National Committee of World Energy Council Welcome Address 2: Mr. Iulian Iancu Chairman Romanian National Committee of World Energy Council (10:10-10:20)
“Energy and Coal Policy in Romania Keynote Address 1: “Energy and Coal Policy in Romania – Prospect of Coal-fired Power Generation (Tentative)“ Mrs. Elena Popescu Director General Ministry of Economy, Romania (TBC) (10:20-10:40)
“The Energy Mix toward 2030 in Japan and Keynote Address 2: “The Energy Mix toward 2030 in Japan and The Japanese Clean Coal Technologies“ Mr. Hiroyuki Tsukada Director for Clean Coal Policy Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan (10:40-11:00)
Oltenia Energy Complex Speech 1: “Romanian Status of Coal-fired Power Generation with Upcoming EU’s New Environmental Regulation (tentative)“ Mr. Laviniu Danciu Director Oltenia Energy Complex (11:10-11:20)
“Latest Clean Coal Technology and JCOAL Activity “ Speech 2: “Latest Clean Coal Technology and JCOAL Activity “ Mr. Toshiyuki Oda Director Technological Strategy Center Japan Coal Center (JCOAL), Japan (11:20-11:45)
“MHPS IGCC Technology“ Speech 3 (1): “MHPS IGCC Technology“ Mr. Koichi Sakamoto Senior Manager/Chief Engineer Power Systems Project Engineering Dept. Power Systems Project Management Division Engineering HQ Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS) (13:00-14:20)
“Introduction of MHPS Air Quality Control Systems“ Speech 3 (2): “Introduction of MHPS Air Quality Control Systems“ Mr. Morio Kagami Director Air Quality Control Systems Technology Division General Manager Flue Gas Desulfurization Technology Dept. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS) (13:00-14:20)
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe Gmbh Speech 3 (3): “Key Issues on Modernisation/Rehabilitation of Lignite fired Power Plants (NOx Emission Reduction, Lifetime Extension, Capacity Increase, Fuel and Boiler Flexibilisation) “ Mr. Falk Hoffmeister Vice President Plant Optimization Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Europe Gmbh (13:00-14:20)
- Study: Financial Implications on New BAT, Romania” Speech 4 “CEO Auction - Study: Financial Implications on New BAT, Romania” Mr. Marian Dobrin Head of Studies & Projects Financing Dept., Institute for Studies and Power Engineering (ISPE) (14:20-15:00)
Technology Cooperation Manager Steinmüller Engineering GmbH Speech 5 “IHI Group’s low NOx lignite combustion technology based on subsidiary Steinmüller Engineering“ Mr. Ryunosuke Itokazu Technology Cooperation Manager Steinmüller Engineering GmbH Mr. Adrian Stefan Dept. Manager Business Development (15:00-15:30)
Speech 6 “Romanian Concerns Regarding the Balance Measures of Nes in the Fluctuations of Renewable Energies“ TBC Romania (15:30-15:45)