Communicable and Non-Communicable Disease
Communicable Disease Passed from person to person or animal to person.
Communicable Disease Germs, viruses (not curable), bacteria (curable via antibiotics) Common cold, chicken pox, measles, mumps, mononucleosis, hepatitis, tuberculosis HIV/AIDS STD’s/STI’s
Preventing Communicable Disease Wash your hands regularly with soap and warm water, especially before eating. Cover sneezes with a tissue or into shirt. Be suspect of: desks, door handles, bathrooms, keyboards, mouse, phones, menus, etc.
Non-Communicable Disease Cannot give to another person.
Non-Communicable Disease Present at birth Behavior choices – alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse Heart Disease – poor diet, lack of exercise Allergies Asthma Cancer Diabetes
Preventing Non-Communicable Disease Avoid substance abuse Eat a healthful diet Regular exercise ** Some non-communicable diseases cannot be avoided