class news Miss Jackson’s A Note from the Teacher Week of March 20th A Note from the Teacher What’s Happening in... Reading – This week we read books about Easter! We read lots of fun books and did some fun writing. We also worked on the –ut word family. Sight Words – where, come, other Math – This week continued work on math fact fluency with addition/subtraction problems. We worked on graphing and filling in the missing numbers. With May fast approaching, I wanted to give you a heads up on some field trips. We have 3 field trips scheduled in May (two will cost money). We will be going California Woods. This field trip will cost around $11. We will be going to the Cincinnati Zoo. This will cost around $12 per child. Our last field trip will be the the Goshen Fire house and that is free. I will update with more information as we get closer. We are in need of small toys for our treasure box! If you have not already, have your student sign into Moby Max. This website is a great tool to build math and reading fluency. Please contact me if you misplaced or lost the login and I will send home a new one. Review and practice all sight words with your child. It is crucial for them to know these words, so that we can begin reading! You can make them into flashcards and practice them with your child every night. Please practice reading with your child. The books that come home in their red folders are great! Have students practice counting. By the end of kindergarten they must be able to count to 100 by ones, fives and tens. Dates to remember March 27th-April 3rd- Spring Break, No School April 11th- Kindergarten Registration 5:00-7:00pm April 14th- No School, Good Friday May 11th- Kindergarten Registration 5:00-7:00pm Thank You, Miss Jackson