Update on Progress in Marine SPAs Fotios Papoulias Nature Unit DG ENVIRONMENT ORNIS Committee 5 October 2012
Designation of Marine SPAs SPAs largely complete on land – needs to be extended in the marine, esp. offshore Natura 2000 applies to waters where Member States exercise sovereign rights: territorial waters, EEZ, other protection zones (environmental or fisheries), continental shelf A major contribution to EU Biodiv. Strategy, implementing MSFD, preserving marine biodiv. A priority since 2002 (Court rulings, political commitments, marine expert group, marine guidelines, LIFE projects, fisheries measures, biogeographical seminars…) Aim: Significant progress in site designations by 2012 Conservation status of marine features stabilised/improved by 2020
Marine N2000 - Status Total 26.406 Natura 2000 sites, of which: 2.341 sites with a marine component (= 9% of total sites), 217.464 km² (= 22% of total N2000 area, ~ 4 % of EU seas under national jurisdiction) 1.764 SCIs (~180.000 km²), 863 SPAs (~124.000 km²) Offshore area ~70.000 km² ~100 sites (~64.000 km²) with offshore component (>5%), ~50 sites entirely (>90%) offshore (DE, DK, UK, IE, NL, PL, PT, FR, SE, ES)
Area of marine N2000 per MS
The marine SPA 2000 network - km² designated
The marine SPA 2000 network - % of national seas covered
Evaluation of progress Significant and constant progress in marine SPA designations has been achieved over the past few years number/surface area increasing from 514 sites (59.000 km²) in 2008 to 863 sites (123.800 km²) in 2012. Several MSs are engaged in relevant surveys and inventories, often in the context of LIFE projects. Large variation across countries (0-35% of national waters covered – 2,4% of total) Most SPAs located within the 12 nm zone - only 12 sites (5 MSs, 21,000km²) offshore The situation remains largely unsatisfactory, especially in offshore areas.
ORNIS Committee is invited: to take stock of progress so far and existing gaps in designations to inform of actions undertaken at national level step up efforts for identifying and designating suitable areas for SPAs at sea, especially offshore. share experience and good practice from national efforts undertaken suggest ways for better coordinating work with other MSs and with respective Regional Sea Conventions. consider at an early stage the preparation of management plans and other conservation measures for the areas
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