Other Worlds and Other Cultures; Year 7 Art Other Worlds and Other Cultures; The Art of Storytelling Re-visit it! Indiginous Australian Art Day of the Dead Inuit Art Tinga Tinga
MATERIALS & TECHNIQUES Mark-Making Paint, Ink, Dipping stick, Control, Pattern, Marks, Dab, Layer. Mixed-Media Experiment, Combine, Risk Layer, Collage, Manipulate Oil Pastel, Watercolour Ink, Dipping stick, Control Pattern, Marks, Texture Colour Theory Stage 2. Drawing Observation Observe, Imagine, Primary Source, Secondary Source First hand, Record, Invent, Pencil, Pen. MATERIALS & TECHNIQUES Design Create, React, Respond, Reflect, Decide, Choice, Combine, Imagine, Manipulate, Refine, Change, Experiment, Practise. Painting Brush, Apply, Layer, Mix Blend, Outline, Fill Dab, Gradations
Use the 4 key areas to help you think, then write about Art. Remember, we want to know your opinion and the reasons why you feel the way you do about a piece of Art.