The natural resources of the Woodland people! By, Sydney and Sophia By: Sophia and Sydney
BOOM. Meat, horns, bones, and fur for the woodland people are used BOOM! Meat, horns, bones, and fur for the woodland people are used. Bulls eye! Animals
Berries These little red perfections are pretty useful to the Woodlands. Gathering time!!!!
Wood TREES. The one thing that is important to their kind. CHOP! It goes down and ready for firewood, and building homes.
Water GULP. That’s the sound of refreshment and hard work. This is just one of the resources the Woodland people rely onto survive.
Credits  Where we found deer (slide 2) Where we found water.(slide 5) Where we found our cover page.(slide 1) Where we found our other berries(slide 3) Where we found berries.(slide 3) We found wood.(slide 4) Where we found our other deer(slide 2)
There is many more adventures to come for this tribe……….. Inspiration: Amazing Mrs. Riggio and Awesome Mrs. Jassin!