New Beginnings Church April 23, 2006 When Is Useless Useful? New Beginnings Church April 23, 2006
The caring of God for Onesimus - vs.10 God's Holy Spirit strives with souls God wants us to be His Son's He whispers to us through His Spirit He draws us to Him
The changing of Onesimus - vs. 10-11 Paul had become his spiritual father Onesimus was saved Onesimus was different
The changing of Onesimus - vs. 10-11 Onesimus was a new creature Onesimus was God's servant now
The challenge of Paul - vs. 10-18 See Onesimus as a brother or fellow believer Forgive his sin and offense
The challenge of Paul - vs. 10-18 Give him another chance Restore unto him his namesake - use Him for God
The conflict of Philemon - vs. 15-22 He had been wronged He deserved to be compensated for his loss Yet, Onesimus had returned
The conflict of Philemon - vs. 15-22 Onesimus was different Christ was their savior God was their Master
The call of Paul - vs. 17-25 Consider me your partner Receive him as myself I will pay for his indiscretion I will come to you soon
How does this apply to us? Do these not parallel the Lord's treatment to us? Are you useful for the Lord? Does He have the knowledge of you? - Are you His? Do you represent Him well?
When is useless useful?
When God does it… 2 Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new