Railway network – regional datasets Item 9 Railway network – regional datasets Rail Working Group 6-7 November 2013
Regional data collection The current regional data collection comprises a set of transport indicators at NUTS level 2 or 3 for road, railways, inland waterways (infrastructure), vehicle stocks, road accidents and also for transport flows through seaports and airports. Every year the Transport Statistics Unit is launching the regional data collection. The data collection is performed using the application under eDAMIS/Webform and TRIS/REGWeb. The collection is done on voluntary basis, nevertheless it plays an important role in Eurostat's dissemination policy. Rail WG 6-7 November 2013
Regional data collection The basic validations are done at data entry time, in order to alert the data provider of some incoherencies or mistakes (mainly summing up errors). Moreover, after round of regional data collections, the data undergo detailed quality checks in order to find possible discrepancies in figures between the years. The data at national level may also be compared with other transport infrastructure data collections (Common Questionnaire). Rail WG 6-7 November 2013
Railway network Regional data on the railway network and their characteristics are collected for the following areas: Total length of railway lines; Electrified railway lines; Railway lines with double and more than double tracks The definitions from the Transport Glossary (Eurostat/ITF/ UNECE) apply. Rail WG 6-7 November 2013
Regional data collection 2013 This year data collection was launched in June 2013. The data collection is still on-going. The data collected will be used in the next edition of Eurostat's Regional Yearbook (Transport Chapter) beginning of 2014. Until 23/10/2013, out of 34 countries, 15 countries submitted the 2012 questionnaires relating to the railway network. Three countries do not have to submit data (CY, MT, IS). The countries which haven't submitted any rail related regional data will be soon notified. Some incoherencies in the data provided have been detected. In certain cases, a feedback from countries is required. This will be asked in the coming weeks. Rail WG 6-7 November 2013
Regional data collection in the future Some weaknesses of the data collections system had been encountered (validation rules, change of the dataset template because of the NUTS change, eDamis performance). Eurostat took notice of all the issues observed and will try to improve the situation in the future. In the framework of the streamlining process (intended to enhance data coherency and lower the burden of reporting authorities), various datasets are being compared. The most efficient data collection procedure will be proposed at the next CGST meeting in December 2013. Rail WG 6-7 November 2013
Dissemination of regional data Eurobase tables Statistics Explained articles http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/statistics_explained/index.php/T ransport_statistics_at_regional_level Eurostat's Regional Yearbook http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/publications/regional_yearbook Eurostat's Statistical Atlas http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistical-atlas/gis/viewer/ Regional Statistics Illustrated http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/RSI/