Welcome and Presentation Course Grid & E-Science 2010 Álvaro Fernández Casaní IFIC computing & GRID researcher
History of the course This is the 7th edition of the course 2009: IFCA (Santander) 2008: IFIC (Valencia) 2006-2007: IFCA 2005 :IFIC 2004: IFCA Official post-graduate course of CSIC: http://www.csic.es/web/guest/cursos-de-postgrado Organized by the Group of “E-Science and Grid Computing for physics at IFIC” 4 staff members and 8 contracted people We have been working since `2001 with distributed and grid-computing technologies DataGrid, Crossgrid, EGEE I, II and III. Currently within European Grid Initiative (EGI) To support the Computing of HEP communitities, ATLAS specially. Currently to a wider e-Science Community:
Objectives of the course http://ific.uv.es/grid/curso2010/ The course is aimed at students and researchers who want to run applications in the GRID-CSIC, and within international initiatives EGI (European Grid Initiative), and national e-Science. You will learn basic skills to use the grid, tools and known advanced applications. Will be discussed in detail the various components, user-level middleware, and sample applications, and use of grid infrastructure at international level and in production environments. Practice in a real environment can also show the tools available, frequent errors and possible solutions.
TimeTable - Tuesday http://indico.ific.uv.es/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=317 INTRODUCTION AND GRID & E-SCIENCE CONTEXT Afternoon: PRACTICE
Breaks and Lunch We start everyday at 9:00 h Coffee Break at 11:00h ( 20 min) Included in the fees of the course Coffee and juice Pastries Lunch : from 13:20 – 15:00 Not included in the fees We Recommend the Restaurant just besides this bulding Around 6 Euros Menu with 3 main dishes We will finish everyday around 18:00 h
Technical Session (Thursday) The Idea is to have a Forum where to present and talk about ideas (and a kind of round table) You can present some slides with your works ( 10 minutes slot ). Ask me for a slot Or you can just raise questions that have not been clear in the talks or practice sessions. Also things that would like to see in the future or that could be improved We will finish the afternoon with a visit to the IFIC Computing Centre.
We Invite you to a Dinner on Thursday night at the Valencia Beach: Thursday Dinner We Invite you to a Dinner on Thursday night at the Valencia Beach: Restaurant “La Pepica” Avenida de Neptuno, 6 46011 Valencia Cómo llegar And later on great places where going around and having some fun
TimeTable - Friday APPLICATIONS
Organizational Issues Internet Access is with Eduroam wireless If not configured, access with “IFIC01” network ( provide your MAC address) We will pass “sign sheets” every day: To obtain a official course certificate from CSIC postgraduate course. This course is also valid to obtain credits at the physics doctorate program of the UV. If you need an invoice please provide TODAY Complete Name Address CIF of your organization / DNI /Passport
Enjoy the course and Valencia…