Our First Grade Newsletter Room #5 Mrs. Miller Reading Homework Tues. - 1/30 *Sight word sheet *Spelling Sheet (due by 2/5 ) Wed. – 1/31 *Blend-it book 87 Thurs. – 2/1 *Review Word Family Chunks *Blend-it book 88 Fri. – 2/2 *No homework Mon. - 2/5 *Spelling Pretest (due tomorrow) Tues. – 2/6 *No Homework *Testing Day Reading Lesson 12 Sight Words: been, brown, know, never, off, out, own, very Phonics Skills: Digraphs ch, tch Possessives with ‘s Phonogram -atch Spelling Words: chin, chop, chip, rich, much, chick Comprehension Skill: Sequence of Events, Story Lesson Comprehension Strategy: Question Grammar: Commands Vocabulary Strategy: Homophones Science We are moving from balance to motion. We will be learning about things that spin and roll. We will find out how to make a top that spins fast. We will also make twirly birds that fly and a rolling heart craft in the next week. Math We are just starting chapter 5 today. A parent letter with Information on chapter 5 was sent home yesterday. You can also visit my teacher site for additional information. Room #5 News Our Valentine’s Day party is quickly approaching. Your child may bring their Valentines in anytime. I will have a special spot to keep them safe. We will be making bags in class to hold their Valentines. Please see the attached sheet for a list of class names.