Indians of the Plains & Northwest Coast I. Location---------------- II. Way of Life 1. Nomadic Hunters a. Follow animal herds -depend upon Buffalo -meat = food -fur = shelter & clothing -bones = tools -waste = fuel b. Farmers & hunters
b. Most “famous” Plains Indians -Souix -Cheyenne -Comanche c. Introduction of Horses -by Spanish (1600’s) -easier to hunt Buffalo -improve Warriors & self defense
d. Decline of the Plains Indians -Settlers killed Buffalo for sport -Forced onto “Reservations” -by U.S. government
III. Way of Life: Northwest Coast Indians 1. Mild climate = relaxed lifestyle 2. Villages a. On rivers or Pacific b. 8-10 large wooden houses -30-40 people / house -potlatch = feast to demonstrate wealth c. Totem Poles -memorials of dead chiefs -family “Coat of Arms”
3. Food & Farms a. Tobacco = main crop b. Food = fish from Pacific and rivers -canoes, harpoons, and nets for fishing
4. Decline of the N.W. Coast Indians a. Violent tribal wars b. Rigid social classes -Chief-Noble-Commoner-Slave -caused social revolts c. Diseases from European explorers