Partners in Maritime Education Hamburg-London Partners in Maritime Education
The BSc Shipping, Trade & Transport Idea Welcome to the programme Susan Hawker January, 2018 The BSc Shipping, Trade & Transport Idea
What do we do this week? A general overview of the course Meet some former and existing students What we expect from you on the course What you should expect of us! What the Bridging Module is about… the Work Place Report (WPR) Friday group work and individual sessions Your Saturday presentations!
The group intranet site My communications with the group! Handouts from all lecturers The University full course handbook The University full module specifications Important dates as they arise Any changes to the schedule/modules
The IAME The International Association of Maritime Economists…. two peer-reviewed journals: - Maritime Economics and Logistics - Maritime Policy and Management
The University library… i-law… for all maritime and international trade law reports and journals
The top-up credits Standard modules carry 15 credits and a degree comprises 360 UK-recognised credits (equivalent to 180 ECTS). For Hamburg HST students an equivalent of 240 units are allocated from the 2.5 year dual-apprenticeship, and the remaining 120 are gained through your year’s study of the Top-up programme’s level 6 modules. Honours Level (Level 6) is the most advanced undergraduate level. Modules are designed to develop and test independent judgement and critical awareness and to develop an enquiring, analytical and creative approach to learning. Students are expected to recognise relationships in what they have learned, to synthesise and integrate information and to view your subject(s) of study in a broader perspective.
The coursehandbook The course calendar at a glance The module specifications at a glance Publication of results What to expect of assessments The assessment board and external examiner Capped resit marks Correct contact details!
What is expected of you! Reading and note taking Thinking about the questions others ask Thinking about the response of lecturers Asking questions Proper participation…this is often overlooked by students: so no mobile phone use without permission of lecturer/no outside work undertaken in class
Assessments Module assessments: exams, couresworks, presentations… all very different Regulation of assessements… University has strict process and all checked by the external Some/the key areas always assessed Sometimes assessments very similar, but think what is expected in the answer – developing teaching and learning
Plagiarism or expected reliance? Academic integrity of the course is paramount An assessment board for each semester Scrutiny of couresworks and exam scripts Attributed reliance is not plagiarism! Debate and discussion are encouraged Seeking bona fide help is encouraged Rigourous and transparent process for investigation and for complaints
Towards the dissertation! The entire course leads to the dissertation! Monday 21 January, 2019 is submisison date! So timing is tight: Assessments board likely week of 18 February Final exams 3-5 December… six weeks before submission 11-13 June exams and then six weeks before classes resume… get drafting! Theory II- 18 October and beginning November
Finally… Enjoy the year and make the best of it that you can… it will all too soon fly by! I look foward to guiding you all along. Susan, January 2018