FNAL-E954: SciBooNE Decay region 50 m MiniBooNE Detector SciBar MiniBooNE beamline 100 m 440 m Precision study of neutrino cross sections for T2K. Anti-neutrinos Unexplored physics territory and important for CP study in T2K-II. MiniBooNE near detector.
Started Physics Run from June 2007. #Protons achieved: 1.71020 POT (goal: 21020 ) 0.991020 POT for n and 0.731020 POT for anti-n Will finish data taking around August 2008. First anti-n event
Status of Analysis (real n data) Many kinds of analysis Find a discrepancy on the muon angle distribution. Physics origin. Study the pion production mechanism. qm Muon Angle (degree) Data/MC