Nurses and Patients perspective of the future of digital nursing care Item 8 Enc. 03 Nurses and Patients perspective of the future of digital nursing care Kellie Johnson – Clinical Quality Improvement Manager Teresa McGougan – Strategic Improvement Lead for Nursing & Patient Care 03/06/2019
General Practice Nursing Pilot General Practice Nursing Pilot Project– developing confidence, capability and capacity for delivering technology enabled care 6 month pilot Staffordshire area (funded by NHS England) Commenced March 2018 – promoting the development of practice nurses to become digital nurse champions Practical focus including action learning sets Sharing of good practice as pilot progressed
Patient perspective What nurses have observed: Patients and family more engaged and reassured Manage your health app supporting long term condition management Patients enabled to manage their symptoms at home Improved access to monitoring and treatment Avoidance of unnecessary treatment Patients cascading information Empowering patients to take charge of their health
Nurses Perspective Technology is a major factor impacting nursing practice Leading Change, Adding Value: better outcomes better experiences for people better use of resources. Fit for future NHS challenges Role enrichment
Flo Telehealth Flo (Florence Simple Telehealth) is a text messaging system which can help patients understand their condition including: reminders to take medication attend appointments remote monitoring i.e. blood pressure readings measurements of pain level or depth of depression messages of encouragement i.e. quit smoking
Manage Your Health App Apps are a great way to engage patients in their healthcare, by informing them of quality and relevant information to them in an engaging and creative way – especially if they have been approved by the NHS!
Behaviour /Cultural Change Towards TEC Reduce barriers ask people what is stopping them? Ask people what would motivate them Make it easy and accessible to increase the chances of it being adopted If a person can monitor their performance they’re more likely to succeed
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