Commissural Wt1+ neurons.


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Presentation transcript:

Commissural Wt1+ neurons. Commissural Wt1+ neurons. (A) Schematic illustration of fluorescein dextran amine (FDA) application sites to trace commissural Wt1+ neurons. FDA was applied at lumbar segment L1. The spinal cord was sectioned and Wt1+ neurons were labelled using an antibody against Wt1. The area of analysis (L2/L3) is indicated by a dashed box. (B) Axonal projection tracing of commissural Wt1-positive interneurons. Transverse, lumbar spinal cord sections of P3 newborn mice were labelled using an antibody against Wt1 (red) after an FDA tracer; (green) had been inserted into the contralateral hemisphere and retrogradely transported. This retrograde tracing of commissural interneurons reveals that a fraction of Wt1-positive dI6 interneurons projects commissurally. Higher magnification images at the bottom row show Wt1-positive dI6 neurons (white arrow) that overlap with the FDA tracer. Scale bar: 100 μm. Danny Schnerwitzki et al. LSA 2018;1:e201800106 © 2018 Schnerwitzki et al.