Muscular and Neural Tissue Slides
Muscular and Nervous Tissues Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Cardiac Muscle 2 Smooth Muscle 2 Skeletal Muscle Nervous Tissue Skeletal Muscle 2
Muscle/ Nervous Menu Cardiac Muscle Cardiac muscle cells are connected end to end by cell junctions called: a. Intercalated disks b. Desmosomes c. Basal bodies Cardiac Muscle
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Muscle/ Nervous Menu Cardiac Muscle 2
Muscle/ Nervous Menu Skeletal Muscle
Muscle/ Nervous Menu Skeletal Muscle 2 Skeletal muscle fibers are under _______ control and have ________. a. Involuntary, a single nucleus b. Involuntary, gap junctions c. Voluntary, multiple nucleii d. Voluntary, a single nucleus Skeletal Muscle 2
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Muscle/ Nervous Menu Smooth Muscle Organs that contain smooth muscle have a(n) _________ action. a. Voluntary b. Involuntary
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Muscle/ Nervous Menu Smooth Muscle 2
Muscle/ Nervous Menu Nervous Tissue Neurons are surrounded by smaller cells called: a. Fibroblasts b. Macrophages c. Neuroglia Nervous Tissue
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