Demo and Drill Calling for an Appointment
EXPLAINING THE 3 DEMONSTRATIONS A. We will be giving 3 demos of a call for an appointment in this order: Demo of Response 1: The contact says “Yes, I want an appt with you.” Demo of Response 2: The contact says “No, I don’t want an appt.” (Ask for contacts) Demo of Response 3: “Someone else” answers the phone and the contact is not at home. B. Explain who plays what role in the Demo.
How to Demo Response 1, 2 & 3
How we will run the 3 Demos Imagine this demonstration is a real life situation 1. We will Sit with our chairs back to back. 2. We will have our phones to our ears. 3. You observe if the modeler reads the “Calling for Appt Blurb” naturally and with enthusiasm. 4. You observe if the modeler remembers to smile as he reads. 5. Take out your “Calling for Appt Blurb” and observe if the modeler reads the blurb exactly as it is. 6. After each Demo, we will ask the trainees if they have any questions or observations.
How we will Demo Response 1 Imagine this demonstration is a real life situation. The Demo will begin from the top of the “Calling for Appointment Blurb” and end after the modeler has said he is coming with other staff to this appointment. 1. In this Demo, the contact will say, “Yes, I would like an appointment with you.” 2. The modeler will: Read the blurb naturally, with enthusiasm while smiling Pause to respond to the Contact’s comments Remember to set the EXACT time and place of the appointment Tell the contact he is coming with another of his colleagues 3. After each Demo, we will ask the trainees if they have any questions or observations.
How we will Demo Response 2 Imagine this demonstration is a real life situation. The demonstration will start from the paragraph before “After Setting The Appointment Time, Say:” (in the blurb) and end after the modeler has finished asking for contacts. 1. In this Demo, the contact will say, “No, I don’t want an appt.” 2. The modeler will: Read the blurb naturally, with enthusiasm while smiling Pause to respond to the contact’s comments 3. After the contact says he can’t have an appointment the modeler will move to the section of the blurb “If They don’t want an appointment, say:” and read it naturally, with enthusiasm and smiling to get contacts. 4. After each Demo, we will ask the trainees if they have any questions or observations.
How we will Demo Response 3 Imagine this demonstration is a real life situation. The Demo will begin from the top of the “Calling for Appointment Blurb” and end after the modeler has got a time he can call back. 1. In this Demo, “someone else” answers the phone in the place of the contact. 2. The modeler will: Start reading the calling blurb naturally, with enthusiasm while smiling exactly as it is. Remember to ask when is the best time you can call back to reach the contact. 3. After each Demo, we will ask the trainees if they have any questions or observations.
Calling for Appointments How to Drill Calling for Appointments
Before The 3 Drills Pair up for the Drill (I.e. 2X2 practice)-Husband and wife should not be together. Take 5 minutes to review the “Calling for Appt. Blurb” 5 times. Read it: Out loud Naturally and With enthusiasm While smiling.
How to do the Drills of the 3 Responses Sit with your chairs back to back. Have your phones to your ears. Each person has 10 minutes to drill all three responses. The coach will indicate when you have to switch roles. First do the “Yes”; then the “No”; then the “Someone else answers the phone” Remember to read the Blurb naturally and with enthusiasm while smiling.
How To do the Drill of Response 1 (Yes, I want an Appointment with you The Drill will begin from the top of the “Calling for Appointment Blurb” and end after the modeler has said he is coming with other staff to this appointment. 1. In this Demo, the contact will say, “Yes, I would like an appointment with you.” 2. The modeler will: Read the blurb naturally, with enthusiasm while smiling. Pause to respond to the Contact’s comments. Remember to set the EXACT time and place of the appointment. Tell the contact he is coming with another of his colleagues.
How To do the Drill of Response 2 (No, I can’t have an Appointment with you.) The drill starts from the paragraph before “After Setting The Appointment Time, Say:” (in the blurb) and ends after the modeler has finished asking for contacts. 1. In this Drill, the contact will say, “No, I can’t have an appt with you.” 2. The modeler will: Read the blurb naturally, with enthusiasm while smiling. Pause to respond to the contact’s comments. 3. After the contact says he can’t have an appointment, the modeler will move to the section of the blurb “If They don’t want an appointment, say:” and read it naturally, with enthusiasm and smiling to get contacts.
How To do the Drill of Response 3 (Someone else answers the phone.) The Demo will begin from the top of the “Calling for Appointment Blurb” and end after the modeler has got a time he can call back. 1. In this Demo, “someone else” answers the phone in the place of the contact. 2. The modeler will: Start reading the calling blurb naturally, and with enthusiasm while smiling exactly as it is. Remember to ask when is the best time you can call back to reach the contact.
ACTION POINTS : Practice reading the “Calling for Appointment Blurb” until you can read it naturally. Do all to smile and be jovial while reading the blurb. Imagine you are with a close friend. Study and read all the calling blurbs until they become part and parcel of you. (Almost until you can say it without reading it.)