Wordpieces 4.1
mort “death”
immortalize verb To preserve in memory forever Synonym: memorialize Antonym: forget
morbid adjective Taking an unhealthy interest in unpleasant things Synonym: unwholesome Antonym: cheerful
mortify Verb To cause extreme embarrassment to Synonym: humiliate Antonym: delight
moribund Adjective In a dying or deathlike state Synonym: deteriorating Antonym: reviving
Nec/nox/nic “to hurt; kill; death”
noxious Adjective Harmful to physical or moral health Synonym: foul Antonym: pleasant
pernicious Adjective Causing damage; harmful Synonym: destructive Antonym: favorable
bio “life”
biodegradable Adjective Able to be broken down naturally Synonym: recyclable
symbiotic Adjective Mutually beneficial; supporting one another’s life
antibiotic Adjective Causing the death of living organisms, especially harmful ones
viv “to live”
vivacious Adjective Cheerful and full of life Synonym: merry; exuberant Antonym: lifeless
vivid adjective Making a strong impression on the senses Synonym: striking Antonym: faint
revival Noun The act or process of bringing back to life Synonym: reawakening Antonym: expiration