FY 2018 Section 5310 Application Solicitation Cincinnati Urbanized Area December 6, 2018
Section 5310 Program FY 2018 Goal—To improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation services and expanding transportation mobility options. Increased mobility to: Employment Medical appointments Grocery shopping Educational opportunities Grant covers 80% of the capital cost Applicants must be listed in the Coordinated Plan Average 1.3 million over last 4 FYs…. In 2014 – OKI Designated 5310 Recipient for Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana
Available Funding Funding—Under FAST ACT, apportionments provided to large and small urbanized areas and rural areas. Funding Amount for Cincinnati Urbanized Area: FY 2017 Funds Available for Projects* $1,075,386 FY 2018 Funds Available for Projects* $1,266,346 Total Available $2,341,732 * net 10% reduction each fiscal year for administration and any prior year overages
FY 2018 Timeline December 6, 2018 Section 5310 Workshop January 18, 2019 Public Notice of Project February 1, 2019 Applications Due February 2019 Oversight Team review February 2019 Optional Verbal Presentation March 7, 2019 ICC Review March 9, 2019 Executive Committee Action April 2019 FTA Review and Approval May 2019 Projects in FTA Grant Summer 2019 Projects Initiated Oversight and progress reporting throughout the project period/useful life benefit period
Oversight Team Butler County Regional Transit Authority Clermont Senior Services Clermont Transportation Connection Clovernook Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired Northern Kentucky Area Development District Queen City Transportation SORTA TANK Wesley Community Services
Eligible Applicants A private nonprofit organization State or local governmental authority that: Is approved by a state to coordinate services for seniors and individuals with disabilities; or Certifies that there are no nonprofit organizations readily available in the area to provide the service. Average 1.3 million over last 4 FYs…. In 2014 – OKI Designated 5310 Recipient for Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana
Eligible Activities Traditional Section 5310 (at least 55%) project examples include: buses and vans and related activities (maintenance, lifts, ramps) Passenger facilities – benches, shelters mobility management programs acquisition of transportation services under a contract, lease, or other arrangement Nontraditional Section 5310 (up to 45%) project examples include: travel training and volunteer driver programs building an accessible path to a bus stop, including curb-cuts, sidewalks, accessible pedestrian signals or other accessible features improving signage, or way-finding technology incremental cost of providing same day service or door-to-door service purchasing vehicles to support new accessible taxi, ride sharing and/or vanpooling programs
Section 5310 Program FY 18 Available Vehicles: Modified Minivans Accessible Vans Light Transit Narrow Body Vehicles Light Transit Wide Body Fiberglass over Steel Light Transit Wide Body Honeycomb Light Transit Low Floor Fiberglass over Steel
Competitive Selection Process Online Application Form Requires registration Brief project description Project cost estimate and confirm amount and source of local match Scores based on evaluation criteria established in the Coordinated Plan Oversight Team review
Coordinated Plan 2016 Update Identified Gaps and Needs Inadequate transportation options during evenings, late nights, and weekends for elderly, disabled and low-income populations. Inadequate transportation options for low-income specialized transportation users, particularly for trips to work and job training opportunities. Very limited collaboration of service providers, particularly across county and state boundaries. Unaffordable fares, particularly for suburban and rural areas of the region. Inadequate number and variety of destination types available to users. No single point of information for users on current transportation options available.
Evaluation Criteria Criteria Points Available Filling Gaps in service to target populations 0-15 Undertaking Coordinated Plan strategies How well your project serves the target populations Coordinated efforts to eliminate/reduce duplication in services 0-25 Project sustainability and steps taken to ensure Quantification of anticipated benefits
Section 5310 Program Contacts: Travis Miller, Regional Planning Manager tmiller@oki.org (513) 619-7681 Brandon Rudd, Demographer brudd@oki.org (513) 619-7678 Florence Parker, Public Involvement Specialist fparker@oki.org (513) 619-7686 Brad Mason, Sr. Digital Communications Coordinator bmason@oki.org (513) 619-7694