Report to the GCOOS Board of Directors Observing System Committee Report to the GCOOS Board of Directors February 25, 2009 Orlando, FL Stephan Howden, University of Southern Mississippi Presented by Mike Hemsley
Observing System Committee Member Affiliation State Sector Represented Jim Byous Ocean Specialists FL P Don Conlee NortekUSA MS P Richard Crout National Data Buoy Center MS G David Heil Seafood Safety FL G FL Dept. of Agriculture Michael Hemsley Retired, Ocean.US MS A/G Stephan Howden (Chair) Univ. of Southern Mississippi MS A Gary Jeffress TAMU Corpus Christi TX A Dawn Lavoie USGS LA G Alan Lewitus NOAA MD G Matthew Schrader Jacksonville FL Dist. USACE FL G Nick Shay University of Miami FL A Neil Trenaman Danish Hydraulic Institute CA P Jan van Smirren Fugro GEOS TX P Mike Vogel Shell TX P Nan Walker LSU LA A John Walrod SAIC MS P
Action Plan Improve communications among Councils and Committees Recommend to the BOD actions relative to identification of historical data sets and their digital archive Develop Emergency Response Plan for GCOOS Regional Ocean Observing Subsystems (ROOSs) Ensure that all ROOSs participate in the CSC IOOS Data Registry. Develop Directory of IOOS/GCOOS Technical Experts Push for Data Registry of National Backbone in Gulf Review OSC membership and chairmanship Review OSC's prioritized lists of projects to be proposed by GCOOS and GOM National Backbone enhancements. Circulate to other committees and councils for comment before submitting recommendations to the Board. Review and update the Action Plan twice per year.
Action Plan Accomplishments Improve communications among Councils and Committees • Howden, OSC Chair, as the representative to Board meetings (bi-monthly teleconferences and 6-monthly face-to-face meetings)• Jeffress as the OSC representative to DMAC• Walker as the OSC representative to Products and Services Committee• TBD as the OSC representative to the Stakeholders Council• TBD as the OSC representative to the Education and Outreach Council Recommend to the BOD actions relative to identification of historical data sets and their digital archive The OSC did not make progress on this item
Action Plan Accomplishments Develop Emergency Response Plan for GCOOS Regional Ocean Observing Subsystems (ROOSs) The OSC did not make progress on this item Ensure that all ROOSs participate in the CSC IOOS Data The OSC did not make progress on this item. The projects participating in the Data Nodes program are registered Develop Directory of IOOS/GCOOS Technical Experts The OSC requested that the GCOOS Office ask the members to participate in the directory. The directory has been put together.
Action Plan Accomplishments Push for Data Registry of National Backbone in Gulf OSC did not make progress on this item Review OSC membership and chairmanship Members added: Alan Lewitus (NOAA), Mike Hemsley (Retired OCEAN.US), Matthew Schrader (USACE), and John Walrod (SAIC). Members lost: Don Conlee Review OSC's prioritized lists of projects to be proposed by GCOOS and GOM National Backbone enhancements. Circulate to other committees and councils for comment before submitting recommendations to the Board.
OSC Assessment for CY08 The OSC had a very mixed record of success for 2008 It has been difficult to maintain momentum with the limited IOOS funding and funding opportunities Planning for a national HFR network, spearheaded by NOAA, has given hope to those utilizing or planning to utilize HFR, but has left out large segments of GCOOS
OSC Assessment for CY08 The recent history of national IOOS funding has made it difficult to clearly define roles for private sector involvement with running the IOOS in the Gulf (and elsewhere). Are we going to lose their participation?
OSC Plans for CY09 A new Action Plan to be drafted by March 15 and finalized by March 31. Chair is willing to continue and revitalize efforts in 2009