Bellwork Answer the following question on your bellwork paper What was the Red Scare, and who were the key people involved in this Red Scare?
Bellwork Answer the following question on your bellwork paper… How did the Treaty of Versailles lead to Germany starting WW2? Explain.
The Korean War 1950-1953
US.77 Describe the causes, course, and consequences of the Korean War, including the 38th parallel, Inchon, the entry of the Communist Chinese, the power struggle between MacArthur and President Truman, and the final disposition of the Koreas. (G, H, P) Objective: Students will evaluate the causes and course of the Korean War
Background World War II - Soviets invade Korea heading towards Japan - war ends Occupied Korea - South = US and North =SU Governments implemented = Nationalistic/Democratic in South with Syngman Rhee and Communist in North with Kim Il-Sung US to defend Japan and Philippines but not Taiwan and South Korea
North Korea invades Asks China and SU for permission to invade S. Korea Soviets support North Korea’s decision and provide arms and ammo but no troops North Korea invades South Korea - June 25, 1950
Turn to your partner... Discuss the following question…. Why would North Korea want to invade South Korea?
UN sponsored War Truman was getting slack for China becoming Communist - he didn’t want to back down Calls for a UN meeting a few hours after the attack Two days later - UN security council votes to support South Korea - Korean War = UN sponsored
Wow, that’s ironic... The Soviets were on the Security Council However, they were boycotting the meetings… UN recognizes Nationalistic China of Taiwan, not communists on mainland China The vote had to be unanimous in Security Council - they would have voted against supporting S. Korea
US troops invade at Pusan UN sends troops (mostly American) to support South Korea - land at Pusan (most troops are “green” - haven’t seen combat - from occupation in Japan) North Koreans push UN troops to a very small area at the bottom of Korea - Pusan Perimeter UN troops hold at perimeter and wait for more help
Inchon invasion ● The Inchon Landing- In response to invasion of the South, American General Douglas MacArthur, creates an amphibious landing using American troops at the Korean town of Inchon and traps the North Korean Army. He then pushes the North Korean Army near the Chinese North Korean border.
Inchon Invasion General Douglas MacArthur creates a highly complicated amphibious landing (largest since D-day) using American troops at the Korean town of Inchon Inchon was a tricky location because of the unpredictable had to land at the perfect moment to be successful Landing is perfect - American troops move in and retake Seoul and assist UN troops trapped at Inchon Combined UN forces are able to push North Koreans back past the 38th parallel The Inchon Landing- In response to invasion of the South, American General Douglas MacArthur, creates an amphibious landing using American troops at the Korean town of Inchon and traps the North Korean Army. He then pushes the North Korean Army near the Chinese North Korean border.
Invasion of North Korea Combined UN and South Korean forces were able to push the North Koreans all the way up to the very top of North Korea MacArthur thought the UN forces had the war won - he even told Truman as much However...the Chinese showed up out of nowhere on the side of the North Koreans - it all went downhill from there The combined North Korean and Chinese forces were able to push the South Koreans back to the 38th parallel...
Truman & MacArthur disagree... US involvement in Korean War = limited MacArthur demanded authority to widen war and invade Communist China March 24, 1951 - statement by MacArthur to China “Imminent Military Collapse” Statement issued by MacArthur - told Chinese to surrender or face “imminent military collapse”
Contradicted US & UN policy = insubordination Truman & MacArthur Contradicted US & UN policy = insubordination Wired Congress - “Limited War” = not gonna work Truman dismissed him = uproar in America Replaced by General Ridgeway
The End Technically….just an armistice - agreement to stop fighting The war isn’t officially over - no peace agreement
Brief Overview
Write a brief summary of the Korean War on your index card Exit Ticket Write a brief summary of the Korean War on your index card
Now... Get out a blank sheet of paper… Write an introductory paragraph to an essay explaining whether or not the United States should have gotten involved in the Korean War. Make sure your paragraph includes 2-3 points to defend your argument (for or against US involvement in the Korean War).