ETSI–3GPP NGN ACTIVITIES NGN WORKSHOP, 22-23 JUNE 2004 6/22/2004 ETSI TISPAN – 3GPP NGN WORKSHOP Workshop summary conclusions on ETSI–3GPP NGN ACTIVITIES … based on consensus, as a way forward to enable the reuse of IMS in NGN.
ASSUMPTIONS ETSI TISPAN IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is based on 3GPP Specifications 3GPP is not defining the NGN but will work with TISPAN to establish a common approach to enable IMS as an NGN platform TISPAN will define NGN session control using IMS as a platform
3GPP – TISPAN NGN Cooperation 3GPP NGN dependencies & priorities monitored by TISPAN Coordination by TISPAN and communicating to TSG SA & CN on NGN issues TISPAN and 3GPP members need to coordinate to drive the NGN platform standardization activities Interested 3GPP Individual Members shall drive WIDs, as appropriate, within the 3GPP Working Groups It is the responsibility of 3GPP Individual Members to drive the NGN platform standardization activities within 3GPP WGs
Potential WIDs within 3GPP WID – System impact from providing IMS services via fixed broadband Issues SIP sessions tunneled through NATs Presence extension to support PSTN/ISDN users NGN Charging Requirements Simulate existing PSTN/ISDN services Leading WG: SA2 Involved WG: SA1, SA3, SA5 WID – Protocol impact from providing IMS services via fixed broadband NGN QoS Requirements Leading WG: CN1 Involved WG: CN3, CN4
List of existing Work Items with potential interest All-IP Feasibility Study Architectural Enhancements for E2E Quality of Service WLAN - UMTS Interworking QoS Improvements Gq interface specification for Dynamic Policy control enhancements Interworking aspects and migration scenarios for IPv4 based IMS Implementations Interoperability and Commonality between IMS using different "IP-connectivity Networks“ IP flow based bearer level charging
3GPP NGN Dependencies and Priorities EXAMPLE
SUMMARY 3GPP drives & maintains IMS core specifications Single set of specs (for Core IMS) is the goal TISPAN develops independent set of specifications, not regarded as in the IMS core; TISPAN coordinates “3GPP NGN Dependencies & Priorities” on issue level It is the responsibility for companies to contribute to 3GPP to introduce support for an NGN platform Joint understanding of IMS platform requirements for NGN approval within 3GPP Other areas of cooperation of further discussion, e.g. WLAN