Cultural exchange project "Energy Storage and alternative energy”
Cultural experience - Poland First day: We welcomed everyone, showed the school and celebrated the Day of Independence of Poland with a performance prepared by our students. Then we had Food Treat, which was handmade traditional or local meals. Everyone could taste something typical of our country. When we ended everything at school we went to the Town Hall, where we met the Mayor and Governor. They talked about the history of the town.
Second day: We went to Warsaw and had a lecture and workshops at Warsaw University of Technology. It was about alternative energy sources. The workshops were about energy storage. Then we visited Warsaw’s Old Town. We had free time and spent a few hours there. And before we went to Grojec we had lunch at a traditional Polish restaurant.
Third day: Wednesday was a day for lectures and experiments. We visited the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Swierk, where we talked about radioactivity and its existence everywhere. When we came back from Swierk, we had free time and then we went to the Integration Evening at our school (Talent Night and Karaoke). Some students sang, others danced, while there were also those who performed on stage. After that we danced and had fun with all the participants. The dancing part was led by scouts. We also had a big cake and some students were dressed in traditional Polish folk costumes. It was an amazing night in general and we had a great time!
Fourth day: We went to school and were divided into groups. Then we wrote articles about energy storage and the use of alternative energy in all the countries that participated in the programme. Next we visited Water Treatment Station and then we returned to school and had lunch. Later on, we wrote articles for the magazine and prepared its layout. In our free time we had a chance to integrate well.
Fifth day: We went to Warsaw once again and visited the Warsaw University of Technology, the chemistry department. They divided us into groups. Each of them carried out different experiments and eventually had to present the results to the other groups. Then we went to Warsaw Uprising Museum, where we talked about the history of Poland, and especially of Warsaw during and after World War II. After lunch at a traditional restaurant we came back to Grojec and had free time.
Last day: It was the saddest day to everyone, because we had to say goodbye. However, we spent a great time together and we knew we would meet again soon.
Cultural experiences from DENMARK Day one: We went to school. The headmistress and the coordinator of the project presented the itinerary for the week. Then Danish students gave us a tour around the school. Next, we had a meeting at European Commission office, where we talked about jobs of the commission and the future of alternative energy. Later on we walked around the centre of Copenhagen.
Day Two: We visited part of the Technology University of Denmark (DTU Lyngby Nanotek) and we performed the IPHO experiment.
Day Three: we visited another part of the university and had a closer look at the wind turbines and the way they work. Two experts there informed us about the new techniques used in order to minimize noise. Afterwards, there was a presentation on energy storage and later on we interviewed some of the university’s professors about fuel and solar cells, wind energy and energy storage. We presented the information we gathered to teachers and the rest of the students. In the afternoon, we paid a visit to the Experimentarium, or the so called ‘Physics Playground’ and we performed a variety of fun and interesting activities concerning physics.
Day Four: We went back to school to finish the experimental part of the assignments we had been given on Monday. All the students participating were divided into three big groups, Chemistry, Electricity and Mechanics. The Chemistry group worked with batteries.They tried to make their own batteries and they did some measurements.However,they had some difficulties during the process which helped them understand how complicated and difficult their manufacture was. The Electricity group worked with capacitors.They made their own capacitors out of paper and aluminium foil in a water and baking soda solution.The group did some measurements with amperometers,voltmeters and led light as well, and the capacitors actually worked and stored a certain amount of energy.The Mechanics group performed an experiment with water, pullies and thread. We had some free time and then we gathered again for some dinner and the party.
Day Five: On Friday all the project participants presented their work throughout the week to the second graders of the school.Then,we officially ended the program and later in the afternoon, we gathered one last time at a student’s house to say our goodbyes. On our last day in Copenhagen we went sightseeing, and we visited some of Denmark’s most famous sights such as The Little Mermaid,the Queen’s Palace,the New Harbour and the Marble Church.
Cultural experiences from the uk First day: We started our meeting at Alexandra Park school . We visited Science Museum in London and talked about the first pie-chart-creator, the collection of data – its interpretation improving health and conversion of theory to practical solution. We had free time in central London . We watched fireworks from Alexandra Palace.
Second Day: At first we had a meeting at Bounds Green. We went to University College London to learn how to use a 3D printer, about hydrogen fuel cells and we also looked at different parts of fuel cells under a microscope. We had a chance to see different parts of a hydrogen fuel cell.
Third day: We went on a tour at the Cavendish Labs and saw many interesting exhibits. The university uncovered a bit of its history and the important discoveries made there, so we talked about Rutherford, Maxwell and Wilson. We attended two lectures by past graduate researchers at Cambridge Uniiversity on energy storage in batteries and photovoltaics in new solar panels. We walked through some of the university campuses and had some free time in a British sweetshop to get treats and souvenirs.
Day Four: We spent all day at school. We split into international groups and worked on presentations regarding our different cultures, the work done in previous visits and now. After the presentations we had some times to spend with our friends.
Fifth day: We went to the school and made presentations .Then we visited Imperial College, where we did some experiments and we talked about energy storage After that we went back to school, shared the presentations we made the day.
This is not The end... The last meeting is in kos