What’s happening at the Academy?
Speak Out There are two new ways in which you can speak out about bullying. In the student reception, you will find a ‘Speak Out’ box. You can post your comments in here. Remember, we can only tackle bullying and support those being bullied if we hear about it and have enough information. Posting anonymously can’t work. You can also email your concerns to our new email address speakout@wigstonmat.org
School Key Words Responsibility Resilience Engagement Ambition These four words represent where we see ourselves and are now linked to the A1’s you can achieve during lessons
Can you make these words more interesting? Competition Time Can you make these words more interesting? Responsibility Resilience Engagement Ambitious We are asking students to design posters to be displayed around the Academy showing these words either on their own or all together, they can include definitions or just be the words themselves. So have a go and be creative! Prizes to be announced.
The Rules To fit on an A4 or A3 piece of paper It has to be your own work It has to be one of the 4 key words You can include images to represent the word The word you have chosen has to be included You can be as creative as you like – and use any media to design your entry You can use the templates that your tutor has been given – but you don’t have to! It has to be handed in on Monday 3rd June to your Head of Year
Your Voice meeting every Tuesday 1. 25 in room 9a Your Voice meeting every Tuesday 1.25 in room 9a. All students welcome even if you haven’t been before. Campaign focus is on recycling but ideas for new campaigns are welcome. yourvoice@wigstonmat.org
Aerosols and Banned items A reminder that aerosols and bodysprays are banned in school. Water based sprays are fine. They cause issues for people with breathing conditions and as a result are potentially very dangerous As a reminder: Food should only be consumed in the dining room or outside Banned Items (There are a few but here are the main offenders) Chewing gum Fizzy or energy drinks Glass Bottles
Break and Lunchtimes Food should only be consumed in either the dining room or outside of the building. There should not be anyone eating in the corridors or atrium and we need to avoid the mess that is currently being left on the floor along both the performing arts and red corridors
Balcony and old music practice rooms THESE AREAS ARE OUT OF BOUNDS For a whole variety of reasons these areas are not to be used by anyone at any time. The only exception to this is when the the balcony is to be used is to access room 6 for lessons A Reminder Playing Manhunt in and around room 5/hall site A/balcony is not ok! One student has already fallen and smacked his head on the railings!
Science Club Please note that due to overwhelming demand Science club is now FULL Unfortunately until more spaces open up no more letters will be given out You can watch our escapades on the twitter feed and Facebook
Design a flag for East Midlands airport Design a flag for East Midlands airport. The competition is an ADT homework for all students in years 7 -9. You will need to hand your homework to your ADT teacher by the 5th of June.
East Midlands Airport has launched a competition for schools to design an East Midlands flag to represent the entire region. Think about all of the counties within the East Midlands and not just Leicester! Your design will be scanned and emailed to the airport so think carefully about the colours that you use. Each school can only send off one entry and there will be a prize for the Wigston Academy winner. The winning entry – the one with the most votes – will be made into a flag and will take pride of place on a flagpole outside the airport’s check-in hall during the school summer holidays, some of the airport’s busiest weeks of the year.
A few facts about the East Midlands to help you come up with a different idea. - It includes the counties of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Northamptonshire and parts of Lincolnshire - The highest point in the East Midlands region is Kinder Scout, in the Derbyshire Peak District at 636m - The coastline stretches from Immingham in the north to the Wash in the south - The river Trent is the UK’s third longest river. - Lincoln Cathedral was once the world’s tallest building - Rutland Water is the largest inland reservoir in Europe - Only London Heathrow handles more freight than East Midlands Airport - The region is home to global brands such as Rolls Royce, Boots and Speedo, amongst others. - King Richard III is buried in Leicester Cathedral
Good luck!
Year 10 & 11 GCSE English ‘Drop In’ Drop in sessions every Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes in room 30 (Mr Mackay's room). A chance to complete homework, ask questions about the GCSE texts, go through elements of English you are unsure of...anything to do with GCSE English. It's drop in, so please just come along and stay for as long as you need to...there's no minimum or maximum.
Year 8 & 9 Students Message from ADT Please come and collect your clay work from art to take home BEFORE HALF TERM! Please come at break or at lunch time to collect it with the correct money from Mrs Rodrigues in DT6. You will probably need a plastic back & news paper to wrap it in so that it gets home in one piece.
A homework club is running every Thursday after school in ICT 5 Maths Homework Club A homework club is running every Thursday after school in ICT 5
Message from Miss Partridge Year 8 and 9 girls who are involved in Legally Blonde for Summer Madness please bring your kit and a skipping rope to rehearsal on the first Monday after half term (3rd June) 3:15-4:45! See Mrs Partridge with any questions or apologies for absence!
Geography Club Everyone is Welcome!!! Next meeting – Thursday 23rd May at 1:30 in Lunch. Come to room 13 to get an Early Lunch Pass from Mr Cotterill. Room 13 Site A – Mr Cotterill. Club Do you care about the Earth? Do you want to help campaign to save our planet and improve recycling in our school? Or do you just love to learn about the world we all live in? Geography Club has many wonderful things to look forward to this year!!!
This week in PE Lots going on again this week in PE TUESDAY: All Years Athletics Club WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Badminton Club (Site B) WEDNESDAY: All Years Extra Athletics Club WEDNESDAY: Primary Gifted & Talented (Yr 9 Sports Leaders) WEDNESDAY: All Years Tennis Club THURSDAY: All Years Extra Athletics Club THURSDAY: All Years Rounders Club THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Badminton Club (Site C) FRIDAY: Area Athletics – Saffron Lane FRIDAY: GAL’s Club – Invite Only – Note change of day
WIGSTON ACADEMY PE EXTRA CURRICULAR Please get changed at Site B Sportshall for all clubs. #LEARN, ASPIRE & ACHIEVE
Room 39 will be closed at break times It will open at 1:15pm for lunch (Please note that Year 7 students must go to the canteen until this time)
This week in History In 2004 the first legal same sex marriage took place in Massachusetts. It took another 11 years for the rest of America to follow suit In 1980 Mount St. Helens erupted killing 57 people In 1935 T.E. Lawrence, known to the world as Lawrence of Arabia, dies as a retired Royal Air Force mechanic living under an assumed name. In 1873 San Francisco businessman Levi Strauss and Reno tailor Jacob Davis are given a patent to create work pants reinforced with metal rivets, marking the birth of one of the world’s most famous garments: blue jeans. In 1932 Amelia Earhart becomes the first female pilot to fly nonstop across the Atlantic In 2017 Manchester Arena is attacked by a suicide bomber at the end of an Ariana Grande concert In 1934 Bonnie and Clyde are shot and killed in Louisiana Thanks to Mr Mackay
Jobs Boards You may have notice two jobs boards have appeared in the Academy. These are jobs that you can do to earn some extra achievement points. All you need to do: Check the board Approach the member of staff Do the job Get the points Easy!!!
Careers Year 10 Year 10 students Now is the time to be thinking of where you would like to be going after Year 11 has finished. Is it to a 6th Form College, Further Education College or on to an apprenticeship? Go and have a look at as many places as you can. You need to make an informed choice about what you do. Any questions or if you need any careers help. Please email Miss Martin cmartin@wigstonmat.org
Your local Sixth Form Centre for A Level and BTEC Level 3 courses Wigston College Your local Sixth Form Centre for A Level and BTEC Level 3 courses
Careers – Which sector has the most jobs in the East Midlands?
Careers – How will the job market change over the next few years ? You can use this information to help you plan your future and help you make any choices about your future.
For all of the employment vacancies in Leicester/shire – What do you think were the most common skills required? The top 10 skills required for the jobs advertised in Leicester/shire in March 2019 are (the numbers represent how many times it was mentioned: Communication Skills – 1,461 Problem Solving – 326 Organisational Skills – 708 English – 322 Detail-orientated – 495 Creativity – 318 Planning – 494 Microsoft Office – 307 Microsoft Excel – 454 Leadership – 277 Building effective relationships - 262 What are you doing to develop these skills – to make you more employable? Year 10/11 – you can think about the skills you developed during work experience
At Wigston Academy
Year 10 Tournament
Year 10 Tournament- Winners 10JDa
Year 7 Tournament - Final
Year 7 Tournament – Winners 7JMa
Year 8 Champions League
Year 8 Champions League
Year 9 Champions League
Year 9 Champions League
And this weeks winners are: Treat Friday And this weeks winners are:
Year 11
Have a good week