Goals Objectives Indicators
Goals Objectives Indicators
Development of Indicators: Step1 State (or formulate) the objectives of the program Step 2 Review the activities to be carried out in pursuit of the objective(s) Step 3 Develop a conceptual framework to show how the program will work Step 4 Select indicators that measure progress for each (or some) of the concepts
Measurements used indicators A numeric value Percentage Mean value Ranking Absolute number A yes/no score Presence/absence Index
What is an indicator
Operationalizing an indicator Numerator/Denominator If you include an index, you must list specific variables that you would include in the index
Sources of Data Must reflect the data collection method used to obtain it: Survey, service statistics, census, observation, etc. Don’t list the agency that provides it to users: Ex: Ministry of Health, City Health Dept.
Qualitative methods (focus groups) do NOT yield quantitative measures Sources of Data Qualitative methods (focus groups) do NOT yield quantitative measures
Characteristics of good indicators Valid Reliable Clear, concise wording Non-directional Correct: # of condoms sold Incorrect: increased # of condoms sold Timed within program period
Challenges of operationalizing indicators Subjective aspect of measurement Quality of program leadership Presence/absence (how much= presence?) Concept clear, but yardstick is not Cost of one month of contraception