Go to the members menu and Select the ‘Log in’ tool
To create an account use the ‘Sign Up’ tool Note that you only sign up once. Next time you return to use use this site you will use the ‘Log in’ tool
Now complete your profile Note that if you are a parent registering a child then you must enter your name not your child's Click ‘Submit’ when you have finished
You have now created an account If you are registering your child then you will need to add them to your account by clicking here
Once you have completed your child or spouses profile click submit
The child has now been entered into your profile If you have more children who need to register for these programs you will need to repeat the previous 2 pages You may also want to add additional adults eg your spouse so that that adult can also log in and register your child In the future To register your child for a program click here
The child Steven Banks is now selected You will only see programs suitable for your child based on your child's gender and age When you want to register for A program click the ‘register’ link
For each child's first registration you will see this message Click on the link that says click here to create a payment profile
You will need to complete this form With your credit card details. Click ‘Submit’ when you have finished
If your credit card information is good you will see this message
Now start the registration for your child again To do this go to the Members menu and select ‘Register ‘
Click ‘Register’ again and this time you will be able to register your child
Some programs require you to enter a registration password The club would of sent this to you If you don’t have it please contact the club
If you entered the correct code you will now see the registration form Complete all sections of the form At the bottom of the form is a ‘Proceed to Checkout ‘ button Click the button to pay
The registration is now sitting in your shopping cart If you have more family members to register do so now by selecting the Members menu and the Register Tool Otherwise if you wish to pay press The Proceed to Checkout button
This is the final step before paying When you have read the page click The ‘Submit’ button to pay