gmIGF The Gambia Internet Governance Forum 2018 Access & Infrastructure Max JONGA
Introduction - History The Gambia Internet Access & Infrastructure – Brief: Growth Statistics Year Users* Penetration Pop Non-Users 1Yr Change Pop Change 2000 11,328 0.9 % 1,228,863 1,217,535 2,788 3.01 % 2005 54,726 3.8 % 1,440,542 1,385,816 8,589 3.28 % 2010 155,756 9.2 % 1,693,002 1,537,246 30,708 3.3 % 2016 346,471 16.9 % 2,054,986 1,708,515 18,830 3.22 %
Brief Background In a remarkably short period, The Gambia has experienced a serious growth in internet access and infrastructure. Internet users growth from 11,000 to 346,000 in 16 years… from 0.9% to 19% penetration in 2018. In the formal sector, access / use of ICT / Internet is above 90%… Due to mobile internet explosion, current use is growing exponentially… New technologies being rapidly deployed… including 4G-WiMAX, LTE in the last 2 years… Data / Internet (Voip, OTT etc) use already overtaking voice for the bigger MNOs
Infrastructure ACE brought huge bandwidth (10 gbps) and speeds to our shores, with significant reduction in wholesale bandwidth costs.. Encouraged by demand, new technologies being rapidly deployed, including 3G, 4G-WiMAX and Mobile 4G- LTE in the last 2 years… Newer infrastructure deployments to cater for better data access (resultant neglect for 2G / voice services) ECOWAN – Countrywide Fiber Backbone… To provide better and wider access carriage for all service providers… Cost still an issue but being worked out with stakeholders.
Access Issues Last mile solution - still a major issue. User access issues are still cost and availability / coverage. Technology skillset, comfort and security issues make up yet more barriers to access. The heavy censorship of yesteryear seems to have disappeared, encouraging more uptake.
Infrastructure Countrywide Signal Verification completed in 2018 Detail Quantity Percentage Locations with 4 operators 721 59% Locations with 3 operators 295 24% Locations with 2 operators 125 10% Locations with 1 operator 57 5% Locations with 0 operator 30 2% Locations with at least 1 network 1198 98%
Infrastructure In addition to ACE, the Serrekunda Iternet Exchange Point (SIX) is fully operational. Work is at an advanced stage for the .gm (dot GM) ccTLD redelegation Work is in earnest for Liberalisation with a fair playing field for all regulated ICT areas. Light-touch, unrestrictive, inclusive regulatory regime.
Success Stories Numerous new OTT & traditional services, e.g., New technology deployments, more on the way soon! Digital divide being reduced Mobile Money Electricity (CashPower) purchase through different platforms Mobile Banking Online collaboration and social media uptake Vibrant stakeholder community, e.g., ISOC, ITAG, UTG- ICTA, GCSA etc. TV, Radio, Online Broadcasting eGovernment, eHealth, etc.
Recommendations to IGF Right track, keep the momentum with the ICT stakeholder community. Engage more on policy formulation and regulatory issues with the relevant agencies. Encourage closer interaction and awareness with the communities, schools and general public. Encourage a more: Collective stewardship and consensus based approach. Open and all stakeholder inclusive approach
Thank You Max JONGA ICT Manager 1