St. Patrick’s Primary School Volunteer Induction & Registration January 2019
Thank-you! Thank-you for taking the time to complete the Volunteer Induction and Registration process. We know this is a change for families and appreciate your willingness to support our commitment to child safety.
Overview Background Inform Documentation
All children have the right to feel safe and be safe all of the time. This belief statement underpins all things associated with ‘child safe’ legislation and requirements.
Volunteers When Catholic schools, families and the broader community work together, schools improve and communities flourish. At St. Patrick’s, we want community engagement and involvement to flourish. Volunteers will be required and are welcome.
Why? From the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the handling of cases of child sexual abuse in organisations (2012- 13) came the Betrayal of Trust Report. 15 recommendations for the protection of children Civil and Criminal Law reform Child Safe Standards for organisations involved in child related work. Eg. Schools
CECV A strong and unified response from Catholic Education Victoria. Commitment to Child Safety
Child Safe Standards Intended to ensure that all organisations involved in child related work are child safe. Ministerial Order 870 – schools required to meet minimum child safety standards.
Child Safe Standards Standard 1 - Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety Standard 2: A child safety policy or a statement of commitment to child safety Standard 3: Developing a Child Safety Code of Conduct Standard 4: Screening, supervision, training and other human resource practices that reduce the risk of child abuse Standard 5: Procedures for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse Standard 6: Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse Standard 7: Strategies to promote child participation and empowerment
Child Safe Standards Standard 4: Screening, supervision, training and other human resource practices that reduce the risk of child abuse Examples of this: Staff and parent codes of conduct Increased screening of potential staff Contractor requirements (eg. Tradespeople) Volunteer induction and registration
Child Connected Work Under the Child Safe Standards, ‘child-connected work’ is work authorised by the school principal and completed by an adult (18years and over) in a school environment. This environment extends to camps and excursions.
Responsibilities - school Inform and Induct – this information Make required policies/documents available - website Record, check and monitor – school volunteer register
Responsibilities - Volunteers Complete induction processes Maintain WWCC Comply with policy and code Act ethically and confidentially If you have a concern, report to school leadership team.
Privacy We are at all times mindful of privacy laws and obligations and will continue to be through volunteer screening and engagement purposes. Volunteers are required to maintain the privacy of others when volunteering.
School Website – School Community - Volunteers What next? Read Child Safety and Protection Policy Code of Conduct Volunteers & Board Members O, H & S Policy Volunteer Statement of Duties School Website – School Community - Volunteers
What next? Read, Sign & Return Responsibilities of Volunteers Volunteer Code of Conduct Volunteer’s Application form School Website – School Community - Volunteers
Reminders/Tips Confidentiality Remember to sign in & out Report Concerns or Issues Enjoy
Thank-you for taking the time. We understand this is a change of practice for families and appreciate your support of our commitment to child safety.