IT Modernization - Update


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Presentation transcript:

IT Modernization - Update CTO Tech Talk: Talking about the future-focused technologies at SSA today IT Modernization - Update July 11, 2018

Introduction - David Ellison

IT Modernization: Quick Facts Total FY2018 Spending $89.4M Current CIO Rating 3 - Medium Risk Number of Projects 9 Number of FY18 Gov. FTEs 351 $ on FY18 Gov. FTEs $49.7M Data reported to the Federal IT Dashboard

Focus Items for IT Modernization Appropriation T2/T16 Claims Replace claims intake green screens with modern software Begin to replace 24 million lines of COBOL with modern code New software, the Consolidated Claims System (CCS), will be deployed over the next several years to replace MCS and MSSICS Universal Customer View (UCV) Implement a new portal for technicians, providing transaction history, notices sent, pending actions, and leads The UCV software will provide technicians a holistic view of customer data in a graphical user interface Eliminate green screen queries to obtain customer data Disability Implement decision support tools that use automated intelligence on the electronic folder

FY 2018 Releases Twenty-three Modernization releases scheduled, including: Implement new hearing Case Analysis Tool June Add 2 million more death records to DMF June, July Retire Wilkes Barre Folder Control System August Procure duplicate identification software August Complete SSI web user interface for Claims September Hearings and Appeals Case Processing Release 2 September Tax Year 2018 updates to AccuWage Online September 2019 release planning, resourcing continues

Earnings Domain - Chuck Liptz

SSA Employees will have… Purpose To enhance and modernize the complex end-to-end Earnings process while working with our many and varied internal and external customers Employers will have... SSA Employees will have… Workers will have… IRS Guided journey Edits up-front Better communication Revised registration More efficient queries Redesigned business process Fewer errors to correct More timely posting of earnings More detailed earnings statements Faster data sharing that is easier to consume and process

Teams Earnings Operations Earnings Technicians Field Offices Policy/Legal Regions Systems Systems Security UXG

Agile Teams FY18: Transitional  Transformational FY19: Agile Teams and Value Delivery Earnings Product Creation Transform business process and utilize modern technologies Agile Teams focusing on: TO BE Guided Employer Wage Reporting Journey TO BE Suspense Processing Redesign Journey Guided Employer Wage Reporting Journey Provide intuitive employer wage reporting guide, increase data integrity and update earnings information as received Improved Authentication and Registration Process Provide modern, secure and efficient authentication and third party authorization Transforming Earnings Queries SSN and EIN level queries Centralized, streamlined view of earnings information

Deliverables IT Transitional Activities (6 out of 11 releases completed) 4 Retired applications 6 ALC programs replaced with COBOL Utilities - transitioning legacy code (ALC, COBOL to AB Initio, VSAM to DB2) Removed 56,000 lines of COBOL code System resource savings and operational savings Earnings Product Creation Customer and Product Discovery Business process redesign Roadmap User Experience Group Interviews Engaging SSA employees, employers, submitters, and the IRS

Next Steps Complete first phase of Customer & Product discovery Create earnings queries capabilities and begin sprint planning Work with IT Mod Communications and mySSA to modernize the wage reporting journey portal and provide efficient communications with our customers Work with Employer community to define Guided Employer Wage Reporting Journey Work with the Registration and Authentication product to improve the registration and authentication process

Enumeration Domain - Jeremiah Schofield

Purpose Improve access to, and the infrastructure behind, our enumeration processes and associated business processes Leverage common enterprise architecture, data and services, and take advantage of new technologies to reduce maintenance costs, increase flexibility and accelerate our development and deployment process Retire/modernize legacy applications and retire technical debt Reduce field office traffic Improve customer service to the public Improve our death processing and reporting systems Establish the NUMIDENT as the authoritative source of death data across all applications Improve death data consistency across our records Reduce errors in payments and inconvenience to the public

Agile/Agile-Like Teams NUMIDENT query modernization Enumeration improvements Death improvements

Deliverables Four enumeration releases to date with another two scheduled by the end of the fiscal year Six death releases with one additional release scheduled by the end of the fiscal year

Next Steps Finalize fiscal year 2019 projects Enumeration Death NUMIDENT and ALPHIDENT Queries Modernize SSNAP Front End Enumeration Batch/CICS Modernization Modernize Enumeration Archive Retrieval Systems Death Matching Rule Changes Continue CDDI Sprints Alleged Death Inputs

Title XVI Benefits Domain - Paul Robinson

Purpose Improve Claim Specialist productivity, reduce improper payments, and improve SSA’s service to the public Complete a streamlined web-enabled combined claim input and screen flow, and increase automated capture of eligibility data Enable claims to be processed more quickly and accurately, yielding significantly improved levels of service to the Public and reduced operating costs

Teams Title XVI benefits SSI Modernization began the year as a transitional, waterfall project team to deliver FY18 releases Pivot to combined Benefits Domain based on combined customer/product discovery effort with Title II Working in Agile, features and development teams will deliver Preliminary Claims System in FY19

FY18 Deliverables Release 1 Replace SSI propagation by allowing selection of individuals from a previous application to be included in the current application Modernize the SSI Claims System interface for selecting a protective filing date from the 800# leads application Update the appearance for all existing SSI web pages to use the newest standards available Add a new “webpage loading” indicator, so employees are aware that a webpage is loading in their browser

FY18 Deliverables Release 2 Modernize the screen for selecting and upgrading post-eligibility events, (e.g., stand alone, redetermination) Modernize the seeding process, which creates an SSI Claims/MSSICS record for a post-eligibility claim not currently active in SSI Claims/MSSICS Make income and resources selection pages easier to complete 

FY18 Deliverables (Cont.) Release 3 Complete the claim path transition: Incorporating claim data collection: General Identification, Living Arrangements, Resources, Income, and Other Benefits/Leads Using a web application Eliminating most uses of the General Utility Mini-Path (GUMP) - the transition screen and process from the CICS green screens to the web pages

FY18 Deliverables (Cont.) Release 3 Modernize the screens that: Allow the employee to select the claim and the person, and which present a view of the pages present for a person Alert employees to pending actions, potential appeals, and adjudicated applications Manage the pre-effectuation review contact Display messages about discrepant data for employees to resolve

Next Steps Begin by automating the preliminary process, in a Preliminary Claims System (PCS), which will serve as the foundation for a single user interface for processing claims and post entitlement actions Begin Product Discovery for the Consolidated Claim System (CCS)

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