Cornerstone Training: What’s New in 202C! This video will explain the new changes that HUD has implemented in 202C.
There are 3 fields that need to be filled in, that is the: HUD Transition Date, TRACS Destination changed to iMAX and finally the TRACS Files Type changed from 202B to 202C. To turn on iMAX, go to Tools| Customization Options| HUD Compliance Customization.
Type the date in which your property is ready to start transmitting using the 202c format in the HUD 202c Transition Date field. Click Save on the top tool bar.
Click the HUD option on the left, then click on the TRACS Information tab. In the File Transmission Method, click the circle next to iMAX. Then click Save on the top toolbar.
Now click on the Subsidy Information tab, click the Search F3 bar on the left. Select your contract. Click the TRACS Destination tab, in the TRACS MAT File Information drop down, you need to change the version to 202C. Click Save on the top toolbar.
New Eligibility Codes A tenant does not have to report their eligibility; however, they will not receive any assistance. You may enter a response of No Documentation.
New Race & Ethnicity Codes You will now need to collect race and ethnicity for every member in the household. A member can now be more than one race. If the tenant did not report, you must now enter in a Tenant Did not Report response.
New 50059-A for partial certifications: Move Out, Termination (TM), Unit Transfer & Gross Rent Change There is now a new 50059-A for partial certifications: MO, TM, UT, GRC.
Building your voucher in 202C Format To build your voucher in the 202C format, click the HUD module| Vouchers option. Choose the voucher that you would like to build, then click the Build 202c Voucher button.
To create your TRACS in the 202C format; simply, go to the HUD module| TRACS option| Create TRACS Files. Select Monthly Transmission. Then select 202C in the TRACS Version box.
To send to iMAX, you would click the TRACS Communication Center button located in the HUD module| TRACS option. Click Send. It will then bring you to the iMAX screen where you would need to input your WASS ID & Password. Then click the Start button located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
Congratulations!! You have implemented iMAX and the HUD 202c Changes!!