Closed Session CMOS Circuit Development Update Investigators: C.K. Ken Yang ( Dejan Markovic ( Students: A. Amin, R. Dorrance, P. Mulage, Y. Toriyama
CMOS Schedule at a Glance We are targeting testing in Q4 and tapeout of new design in Q5 6/9/09 today 6/21/10 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 MTJ1 Test MTJ2 Test MTJ3 Test MTJ4 Test MTJ5 Test MTJ6 Test CMOS run A (90nm) MTJ3 Test Test CMOS run B (65/90nm) MTJ5 Test Test CMOS run C (65nm) MTJ6 Test Test 6/9/09 12/9/09 6/9/10 12/9/10 6/9/10 CMOS tapeout
Progress of Task Complete First Test Chip Final Design Testing Features Intel Design Review Verilog Model with Temperature Begin Second Test Chip Design Margin/Sensitivity Analysis 65nm Technology
Test Chip Block Diagram and Layout Red: Test features
STT-RAM Cell Reference SRAM cell Two STTRAM cells: 12F x 5.25F = 63 F2 Two-finger access devices with shared junction Two STTRAM cells: #1 Cell size = 5.5F 5F = 27.5 F2 #2 Cell size = 10.5F 5F = 52.5 F2 Meets Phase 1 target of 30 F2 27.5 F2 52.5 F2
Testability Features M5 is programming layer for MTJ or no MTJ Dummy resistances can be connected on M5 to act as MTJ External access to each bit-line Direct MTJ+circuit resistance measurement Reference resistance is programmable In-situ extraction of MTJ resistance Discussed potential for additional testing features during design review with Intel 12/15/2009
Simulated Read Access Time Read delay between 1.5-3ns Meets design metric MTJ parameters RMTJ = 500Ω 330Ω, TMR ~ 50% 3ns 1.5ns
Enhanced Compact Model Verilog-A Macro-spin model implements LLG equation with STT 13 device-specific parameters used for fitting model Steady-state behavior Accurate to within ±3%
Temperature Effects Verilog-A Transient behavior 7 of 13 parameters used for modeling temperature effects Transient behavior Evaluated against detailed micromagnetic simulations Model tracks switching delay across temperature
STT Design Margin Analysis Feasible region of MTJ devices depends on: CMOS transistor performance, Access transistor size, Variations
Analysis of Feasibility Region Compare technologies Same width (2.5um), IWR (0.5mA) and parameter variation Can be used to estimate yield and MTJ design requirements New device TMR2 TMR2 IBM-90nm-CMOS VWL = VDD = 1 V IWR = 500 μA WA=2.54 μm WP,MUX=16 μm WN,MUX=8 μm MOS-K varies +/- 20% MOS-VT varies +/- 50mV Current Sensing: VR= 600 mV Current Sensing: ΔIR= 20 μA IBM-65nm-CMOS TMR1 TMR1
65nm Design Goals and Specifications Support I-STT and C-STT cells From discussion with modeling/simulation/device groups Short write pulses 0.2ns to 2ns of ~1mA or less Bipolar write pulses Improved cell density Limited by access device size and write current Explore possibility of shrinking cell size Improved testability Test pattern generation Measurable yield
Current Effort IBM 65nm library installed Pursuing the pad library Target 10SF for high drive current Exploring design space in 65nm Exploring circuit design options for short large-amplitude bipolar pulses Continue discussion with device group on desired circuit specifications Exploring memory architecture and cell structures
MTJ Feasible Region IBM-90nm-CMOS VWL = VDD = 1 V IWR = 500 μA WA=2.54 μm WP,MUX=16 μm WN,MUX=8 μm MOS-K varies +/- 20% MOS-VT varies +/- 50mV MTJ: RA = 2 Ω.μm2 MTJ: KRA = 34 Ω.μm2/nm MTJ: TMR = 100% MTJ: KTMR = 200 %/nm MTJ: ΔtMgO = 0.2 Ao Current Sensing: VR= 600 mV Current Sensing: ΔIR= 20 μA
STT-RAM Cell Design Space