Warm Up Tuesday, Nov. 18 Take notes on chapters 22 and 23 by using this format:


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Presentation transcript:

Warm Up Tuesday, Nov. 18 Take notes on chapters 22 and 23 by using this format:

Learning Targets To review content from Ch. 22 and 23 of Catcher in the Rye. To REVIEW INDEPENDENTLY each of the four areas of psychology that we studied within our Catcher unit. To select one of the four to use as a basis for our Catcher writing project. To collect at least six quotations that would support your chosen method of analysis for Holden’s character.

(very) Quick Review of Ch.22 and 23 What happens during chapters 22 and 23? Any questions while reading?

Independent Work Spend 5-10 minutes completing these tasks: Read over your notes on the four areas of psychology that we studied within this unit. Answer these questions (in journal): Of the four, which area has the most information available that would best support the writing of an essay? Which area has the fewest limitations to the theory, so that your essay will be as strong as possible? If limitations exist, could addressing them strengthen an essay, or could you work around them? Which area received the highest rating OR is of most interest to you? Why? Based on your responses, select an area to use for your essay.

Quote Collection Working independently, Identify a specific focus within your chosen essay topic (ex: bipolar disorder in major mental illnesses; ISFP within Myers-Briggs; Stage 4 in Kohlberg; Holden’s id, ego, and superego in Freud). For that specific focus, find SIX quotations throughout the text that you might use to strengthen an argument that you will build within an essay. For each quote, give a bit of info on the context of the quote, and also some commentary about why it’s a good quote to use to prove what you intend to prove.

Homework Read chapters 24, 25, and 26 of Catcher in the Rye.