Lunge, restrain, corpse, drenched, terror, vow, sympathy, desperate, overwhelm, suffocate, despicable
The pony causes terror on the village. The pony terrorizes the village. The pony is terrifying I feel terror when I look at the pony
The woman has restrained herself so that she doesn’t eat too much. The woman must restrain herself from eating too many cupcakes.
After the victory, the players drenched their coach with water. The coach is drenched with water.
The corpse is lying on the floor. The corpse is not too bloody. The corpse does not give me terror.
The fighter lunged at his opponent. The fighter stabbed his opponent when he lunged at him.
The woman is experiencing terror. She looks terrified. What is causing her terror?
The man must restrain the dog when the dog gets a shot. The vet has to restrain the dog for the examination. The dog is being restrained by his owner.
The man lunges forward for exercise. This lunge is for exercise. Lunging is a good exercise for your legs.
I love to drench my pancakes in syrup. These pancakes are drenched in syrup. It’s a waste to drench your pancakes in syrup.